15 May 2008

VeryCD easyMule v1.0.2 Build 080514

VeryCD eDonkey (easyMule) 1.0.2 080514beta [2008-05-14]
* Procedures Optimization: Download speed up the final stages of completion rate
* Process optimization: http / ftp download link intelligent control to ensure that not a mistake to a invalid link

Homepage: http://www.verycd.com/groups/emuleBeta/
Download English: easyMule-VeryCD-Beta-eng.rar

Download Chinese: http://download.verycd.com/easyMule-VeryCD-Beta.rar

Special Builds:

VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build 080313 without Webbrowser
Mod by ayanamist English + Multilang: eMule-diy.rar - Mirror - eMule-VeryCD-NO Webbrowser-diy.rar

Mirrors added: http://www.greenspe.com/soft/1467.html
EMule VeryCD (search remove restrictions) Build 080313 streamlined version Mod by ayanamist
VeryCD and changes to the original:
Removal of search and download interface in the "Comments" column
Complete removal of built-in browser
Mobile DLP eMule.exe of documents to the folder, and with enhanced version DLPv3112
Ip to country supports standard document format, the use of more accurate document ip2country
EMule official toolbar layout
Removal of a large number of unwanted module
Cancel installed in the expansion of TCP connections with the semi-open system connecting several semi-open the link between the use of eMule official ideology, can be set up independently.
Removal search restrictions
Joining some static server
L2LUrl: provide low2low url

Set toolbar icons after 1st run!

CLient Analyser in addition might be the better choice as only DLP/Antileech dll


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