12 May 2008

eMule 0.49a released

Changelog for eMule 0.49a
eMule 0.49a Final
- May, 8. 2008 -
.: If extended controls are enabled (and if available) Kad search results show the amount of known unique publishers for a file in parentheses in the availability column (this isn't equal to sources, but it is a bit more trustworthy indicator how common a file is).
.: Updated CxImage lib to the latest version (6.0), fixes some image processing vulnability (low risk for eMule) [reported: Steve Manzuik/Juniper Networks]
.: Fixed Unicode issue in stored and loading searches
.: DirectCallback sources are now properly added to and checked against the deadsource list

Binaries v0.49a Download:
This archive contains only the files you need to run eMule and needs to be unzipped, with 4 languages only

Installer v0.49a
This application installs eMule by a setup routine interactively, containing all languages and help files

Sourcecode v0.49a
This archive contains only the sourcefile of this release and needs to be unzipped, read the readme.txt for instructions!

The Basic Features eMule Standard Dev. Branch

All files:


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