21 May 2008

µTorrent 1.8 beta 10364

µTorrent 1.8 build 10364 beta

2008-05-20: µTorrent Version 1.8 beta (build 10364)
- Change: grey out association buttons if associated
- Change: stagger PEX interval per-torrent
- Change: keep the RSS publication date after the torrent is added, for 'Added On'
- Fix: (XP UPnP) no need to remove the mappings if they are the same port number
- Fix: crash when saving resume.dat with very large peer lists
- Fix: crash when a connection limit is hit and there is no "most inactive" peer and a local peer connection arrives

uncompressed: http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.uncompressed.exe
upx compressed: http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.upx.exe

Icon Set Blue
DSLReports > Speedtest.net
uncompressed: utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.uncompressed.exe DDL
upx compressed: utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.upx.exe DDL

info_hash=%.20U&peer_id=%.20U&port=%d&uploaded=%Ld&downloaded=%Ld&left=%Ld&key=%.8X%s&numwant=%d&compact=1&no_peer_id=1%s%s&t_checkin=%d&w_downloaded=%Ld&p_downloaded=%Ld&p_uploaded=%Ld&w_bad=%Ld&w_fail=%d&c_bytes=%Ld&h=%s ï¡E ð¡E ¢E ¢E $¢E &ipv6=%U %V &ip=%a &event=started &event=started &event=stopped &event=paused

no event completed :)
utorrent-1.8-beta-10364.event.exe Mirror

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%.20m 2:id20:%.20m d1:rd e values r token info_hash target a v d1:ad2:id20: e1:q4:ping1:t4: 1:v4:


Dosn't make any differences in speed with DHT without if remove the url subdomains: router.bittorrent.com router.utorrent.com

here without the above subdomains:

or router.lanspirit.net router.lanspirit.net d h t /node://router.lanspirit.net:53 node://router.167bt.com:554
BitSpirit DHT works fine


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