04 February 2008

eMule v0.48a NextEMF v1.1

eMule 0.48a NextEMF v1.1
based on eMule 0.47a NextEMF 0.85 by shadow2004
modified by dlarge

1. Features

- AutoHard Limit
- ClientAnalyzer
- ClientDataRate is ajustible
- Dynamic Block Request
- Erweiterte Clienterkennung
- Easy ModVersion
- Improved Upload-Caching
- Kad Improvement
- NextEMF Style (ToolBar, XP-Menu)
- Session Ratio
- Relax On StartUp
- Save CPU & Calm Down On Score Calculation
- Show Bad Mods in all Lists
- Show Modversions in Stats
- SplashScreenEx
- WinSock2 Support
- Worm-Detection
- Additional Security Check
- Prevent USS Spam
- Display Userhash in StatusWindow
- RollUps in TransferWnd
- NewToolTips
- many Fixes and Code Improvements

_.o-= V 1.1 =-o._

Date | Feature / From / Who
07.01.2008 |+ RollUps in TransferWnd [dlarge/eMule+]
06.01.2008 |+ NewToolTips with small Changes from Neo Mod [dlarge/Phoenix]
01.01.2008 |+ Slidebar [WiZaRd/eMule+]
01.01.2008 |+ Userhash Fix [Xman]
08.01.2008 |+ PaddingLength to Extended preferences [Xman]
01.01.2008 |+ AddOn Dir for IpFilter Update [shadow2004/WiZaRd]
01.01.2008 |+ NextEMF Style MinimuleBack.GIF [dlarge]
01.01.2008 |+ AICH-Syncthread CrashFix [Xman]
01.01.2008 |+ CorruptionBlackBox Fix [Xanato )
01.01.2008 |+ KadInterface Improvement [Xanatos]
01.01.2008 |+ Hash Progress [o2]
01.01.2008 |+ Update nodes.dat frequently [Avi3k]
01.01.2008 |+ Kad Path Fix for nodes.dat [leuk_he]
01.01.2008 |+ Kad Fix for index.dat files [godlaugh2007]
01.01.2008 |+ Fix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [netfinity]
01.01.2008 |+ CrashFix in socket.cpp for DestroySocket [Maella]
01.01.2008 |# changed Style for Slidebar [dlarge]
03.01.2008 |# File Buffer Size to max 10 MB [dlarge]
01.01.2008 |# changed many Icons [dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# updated Tabcontrol [shadow2004/dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in IPFilter Update for load IpFilter version [dlarge]
02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist [Xman]
02.01.2008 |# fixed official Bug when checking for empty Userhash [ilmira]
02.01.2008 |# few fixes to Statistic Graph [BlueSonicBoy]
02.01.2008 |# Code Improvement for switch Uploadlist [Xman]
03.01.2008 |# fixed Bug in Ed2kUpdates Page für LoadSettings from EMF Mod [dlarge] thanks @ stulle !!!
08.01.2008 |# updated germ.dll [dlarge]

Download: eMule v0.48a NextEMF v1.1_bin.rar

Direktdownload eMule v0.48a NextEMF v1.1 Binary
Direktdownload eMule v0.48a NextEMF v1.1 Source


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