15 October 2008

eMule 0.49b Beba 2.5 pre

Tuxman's eMule beba
eMule v0.49b | beba v2.5

v2.5 [the boiled edition]:
Lots of official fixes; it's good to see Avi3k and moloko+ back. :)
Additionally, some weird stuff was changed...

* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- added: Payback First [WiZaRd]

- improved: added even more file types [Tuxman]
- improved: merged add/remove friend menu entries into a single one [Tuxman]
- improved: Modeless Dialogs used in more dialogs now :-) [SLUGFILLER/Xanatos]
- improved: removed server advertisements [CiccioBastardo]
- improved: small Drop Sources code improvements [Tuxman]
- improved: some code optimizations in UpdatePartsInfo [taz/WiZaRd]

- fix (o): AddFileLinkToDownload checks if the file is actually known [Avi3k]
- fix (o): disappearing number in server list [WiZaRd]
- fix (o): perform inverse sorting in queue list [moloko+]
- fix (b): small Client Analyzer display fixes [Tuxman]
- fix (o): splitter positioning in server wnd [moloko+]
- fix (o): stop rehashing of Unicode file names [Borschtsch]
- fix (o): StringLimit now returns the correct value [Avi3k]
- fix (o): Total Completed Size stats fix [fox88]
- fix (o): use a pointer list when setting a server's priority [moloko+]
- fix (b): WebService menu had a weird structure [Tuxman]

- changed: several default preferences [Tuxman]

- updated: updated miniupnpc library to v1.1 [Thomas Bernard]

Updated archives - now v2.5, added Payback First and changed some stuff
Some improvements and fixes... not a released version yet nor anything really important, and too less changes to release it at all...
So, as always: "don't spread these files" does also apply to people from outside of the inside forums. It's top secret project!

Source: Google Search index and search engine caches

Homepage: http://ddos.isleoftortuga.org/forum/index.php?s=4225f44cb35c7fbe5fffb6e1104519c0&showtopic=10280

ed2k link: emule 0.49b beba 2.5 pre.7z
older version: eMule 0.49b beba v2.2-pre.7z

nightlybin.7z 1.78 MB
nightlysrc.7z 1.72 MB

The unofficial Fixed Edition 2.51 MB

Caution: It's a joke!

compiled with VS 2005 + SP1
