11 October 2008

eMule 0.49b cn-7 build 191 Final

eMule v0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Final

CN-7 Build 191 Final

A comprehensive code optimization and clean-up
EMule further reduce the cpu and memory footprint
Download.txt document will be put into the config folder
Unicode-related optimization - Borschtsch
PartFile.cpp amendments to a small error
Amendments to a set of server interface issues - moloko +
Vagaa accession to the detection of code - Enig123, zz_fly
Xunlei to add a new detection - Enig123, zz_fly
Random selection method to solve the number of requests for fewer LowID easily RandCS the over-inflated - Enig123
Algorithm loopholes in the amendment, elected to use a random selection algorithm, automatically upload block - Enig123
When the other side take the initiative to cancel, and only reduce the distribution and upload it to be the amount that matches the RandCS - Enig123
Join UDPReaskSecurityCheck - NetFinity
Accession to the unfinished / damaged files function - SR13-Import-Parts by roversr13
Amended in a number of cultural issues
And by adding amendments to skip High-CPU-Load, in eMule can be cpu other procedures when they take up a more stable performance - Xman1, Enig123
Upload enhanced by adding cache (Improved Upload Caching) - to adopt the program NetFinity
Soon be completed to determine whether or not to join in order to reduce the upload to enhance cache load caused by the waste - Enig123
Joined the Advanced Download Throttling, in order to accurately control the download limit - NetFinity
And amendments to some of the code optimization EMSocket
CriticalPacketFix amendment
By adding the percentage of completion of the show - Xman1, Enig123
UploadBandwidthThrottler.cpp for the floating-point operations to optimize the equivalent of the whole operation, to reduce the cpu occupation of large tube - Enig123

Homepage: http://www.edonkey2000.cn/bbs/thread-257771-1-1.html

Download: emule_0.49b_cn-7_build_191.rar 6.28 MB
No Ratio: emule_0.49b_cn-7_build_191-noratio.rar 5.31 MB

