20 June 2009

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.6

eMule 0.49c ZZ-R V2.6
ZZ-R V2.6



ZZ-R V2.6

+ Country Flags in KAD window switchable at rightklickmenu
+ Updated miniupnpc from v1.77 2008/12/18 to v1.80 2009/04/17
+ Changed XPMenu and new default menucolor
+ Score-reduce setable to 0-Score (no upload)
+ Added some forgotten codeparts (Creditsystem)
+ First Start Maximized [WiZaRd]
+ Added ini+ class (to remove delay after closing optionswindow) [idea jerryBG]
+ Push to upload in Clientlist

!! Please make a cleaninstall or delete preferences.ini !!

ed2k://|file|eMule0.49c-ZZ-R_V2.6.rar|5143117|330A21B3EA6DAFF41A44AC1AEC7D1946|h=XHLLJZQFPH3YA4HC2RWA5QXKQAAJ5IMG|/ | FlieShareHost | DDL Fixed

(please use 7-Zip 9.04 or later to extract LZMA2 Compression Archives by direct links)

Thanks a lot!


Recon said...

Problem mit zip/rar. Kann keine dieser datei typen mehr mit direct link hosten. Nur 7zip (7z) geht und compression ist etwas besser als rar. Direct link sollte wieder gehen.


morph4u said...

New Support Board for my Mods ;-)

Home: http://www.emule.seven2up.net/

Board: http://board.seven2up.net/index.php

Anonymous said...

Thanks again illusion for update. Love your sunshine Life radio techno thing as well :)

Anonymous said...

Moderne CMS sind besser als Foren Software. Man hatt alle Board Funktionen wie Benutzer Gruppen, Zugrifsrechte Verwaltung, Hide,.. sowie Portal in einem.

http://softexia.com/ powered by DataLife Engine

morph4u said...

ZZ-R V2.7



ZZ-R V2.7
+ Fix for Simple Cleanup
+ Added forgotten Community setting in default Permissions Options
+ Changed/removed TransferWindow sideframes [idea jerryBG]
+ Fix StatsInterval (was not saved)
+ Fix SplitterControl for ATWL with Commlist
+ Fix SplitterControl for QueueListPerFile with Downloaded History
+ Removed ini+ class (cause no utf8 support)
+ Codechange to remove delay after closing Optionswindow
+ Codechange to support utf8 in nickname again
+ Push to Upload in Downloadlist
+ Drop Single Client

morph4u said...

ups..., here the link


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