19 June 2009

XunLei Thunder Ads Free

Thunder is a new type of resources based on Hyper-Threading Technology download software, as a "period of broadband download tool" Thunderbolt for broadband users to do a special optimized to take full advantage of the characteristics of broadband Internet access, to bring customers high-speed download a new experience! At the same time, the introduction of the Thunderbolt "smart download" new concept, through a wealth of smart tips and help, allows users to really enjoy the fun of downloading.

Technical Features

Thunder used a lot of resources Hyper-Threading technology is based on grid principle, there can be a network server and computer resources for effective integration, constitutes a unique network of Thunder, Thunderbolt network through a variety of data files to the fastest transmission speed . Amount of resources Hyper-Threading Technology also has Internet download load balancing function, without lowering the user experience of the premise, Thunderbolt network server resources can be balanced effectively reduce the server load.

Feature List
New resources Hyper-Threading technology, significantly improve download speeds;
Powerful task management functions, the task can choose different management models;
Intelligent Disk Cache technology, effectively preventing the hard disk when high-speed download of the injury;
Intelligent message system, based on the user's operation to provide prompt and operation-related recommendations;
Unique error diagnostics to help users download failure to resolve the problem;
Virus protection, anti-virus software can guarantee the security of the download file;
Automatically detect the new version, users are prompted to upgrade a timely manner;
Provides a wide range of skin, the user can choose their own preferences;

Thunderbolt (2009.06.15)
* To support the associated anti-virus software to automatically download anti-virus after the completion of
* Redesigned the suspension window, and adjust the size of
* To restore the rank of grade icon
* If there is unfinished download task, the default will be selected to start Thunderbolt "Downloading" Category
* Optimization of the task list to display and sort of experience
* BT task and attributes of the new panel to join the list of files file type icon
* Amend the half-open connection to adjust the number of tips rules
* Delete the task of adjusting to delete files at the same time prompted the rules
* Adding "Top Dog search" component
* Join the "Thunderbolt see" shortcut entrance
* Amendments to the upper right corner of the window to maximize the gap when
* In some cases the amendment Xunlei interface fonts too big or too small problem
* Amended suspended in some cases do not show the task status window of the problem
* Amendments to the planned task pane sometimes the problem of deadlock
* Revision of intelligent naming logic, only the entry into force of the music category of the task
* Amendments to the collapse of a number of known issues
* Fixed a number of Thunder players to see if the problem can not be normal
* The English version of Windows 7 has been amended under the new mandate has always prompted the question of lack of disk space
* Amendments to the English version of Windows 7 Chinese under the new directory can not be the problem
* Amendments to the configuration panel "will be automatically moved to the tail of low-speed tasks" option does not modify the entry into force of the problem.

Update log: Ads Free Special Version
* Remove all Ads from XunLei interface
* Removal of all junk information
* Removal of "Thunderbolt and see" when the players and suspend all ads
* Optional installation "Tornado Express exclusive chain"
* Optional installation of "Thunderbolt and see"
* Optional installation of "search dog"
* Secretly From Thunder Shield

Amended version [0618]
* Fixed: select "Search Dog" after the installation is not the problem

Amended version [0617]
* Added: Thunder and see the desktop shortcut
* Fixed: make up the boss key feature (Ctrl + Alt + H, can be customized)
* Fixed: download the file exists, the directory could not open the issue of documents

Note: We do not have a catching new, amended only to a more perfect version of it. Play only non-original!

Homepage: http://www.hrtsea.com/down/view/7.html

Thunder5.9.2.927-Special.rar 7.95 MB
Thunder5.9.2.927-Special.rar (BRSBox)
Mirror: 迅雷(Thunder) 去广告版 (支持专用链)

English Language Pack and read more: http://leechermods.blogspot.com/2009/06/xunlei-thunder-591922-revision-0602.html


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