28 June 2009

WebMail Ad Blocker 2.5 Light

More screen space for your messages! Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and Gmail advertisements and donation links from addon take up a lot of space even if they get blocked by other addons because they leave unused empty space.

Version 2.5 — June 17, 2009 — 86 KB
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addons/versions/7560 - Homepage: (mywebber.com/addons.do)

Works with:

* Firefox: 2.0 – 3.6.*

-Changed the logo
-Removed the donate link in the Add-ons manager
-Bug fix: Sometimes menu items on left were not being hidden

Light (by Creative Jimmy Design):
- Removed the donate links in the other Settings and in code // Click About Extension shows the donation
- PNG opti the Graphics
- Removed Blank lines

from Version 2.5 — June 17, 2009 — 86 KB to Version 2.5 Light — June 17, 2009 — 10 KB
more than 8 times smaller

install/download: WebMailAdBlocker.xpi


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