30 June 2009

Skip Redirect 1.0 Firefox Extension

Skip Redirect 1.0 Firefox Extension
Skip Redirect 1.0 Firefox Extension
Compatible from Firefox 2.0 to 3.6 Minefield Alpha
Tested with latest Builds
Converted form UserScript, small bug fixed.
Skips up to all Redirection URL's as in Forums/Blogger Website scripts to found and link to the direct link instead.

Works great with TinyURL Decoder with full Linkbee support (Greasmonkey UserScript)
to get this result with direct download links (no visit links):

Skip Redirect 1.0 Firefox Extension
Download/Install: skip_redirect_fixed_TeL.user.js

skipredirect.xpi - Source | As UserScript: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/12295 - source: http://www.mozdev.org/source/browse/prefswitch/src/inject/
(With full Linkbee support)


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