17 April 2010

eMule 0.50a RapCom 1.0 beta by ksa2000

eMule 0.50a RapCom 1.0 beta

Homepage: http://rapcom.1a.to



RapCom Mod is a very fast eMule mod.
I'm very happy to announce RapCom v1.0 in eMule Version 0.50a.

Thank you very much for the update!


1212H said...

{sXMSD} @RAPCOM User Nick protected by ClientAnalyzer [qeqNML] <----- Interesting \^:p

tux said...

Oh, endlich ohne beba-Unterbau?

Ghost said...

i believe that this mod is based on tombstone , so i can see some bugs about ip2Country flag

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