eMule v0.49c THC
eMule v0.49c THC by Pupet
add "generate new rsa key"
add emulate community nick addons
add no share incoming
add fake rank
add fake rank undetectable
add no ratio
+ changed min queue size
add NickThief
add ConChecker
add SivkaBan
add Corruption Blackbox-BanThreshold
add Dazzle`s Map for faster source adding by IP
add Winsock 2
add SpreadReask
add Reask Queue/srcs after IP change
add Variable Compression
Add minRQR
Add Faster EndGame Dazzle
add SaveLoadSources
add push small/rare/part files
add DiffQR
add up only to eMule
add Kick from upload
add push from upload
add Inverse CS upkick
add anti-leecher
add CPU Optimizer for processor
add One Queue Per File

eMule-THC.rar 1.65 MB
add "generate new rsa key"
add emulate community nick addons
add no share incoming
add fake rank
add fake rank undetectable
add no ratio
+ changed min queue size
add NickThief
add ConChecker
add SivkaBan
add Corruption Blackbox-BanThreshold
add Dazzle`s Map for faster source adding by IP
add Winsock 2
add SpreadReask
add Reask Queue/srcs after IP change
add Variable Compression
Add minRQR
Add Faster EndGame Dazzle
add SaveLoadSources
add push small/rare/part files
add DiffQR
add up only to eMule
add Kick from upload
add push from upload
add Inverse CS upkick
add anti-leecher
add CPU Optimizer for processor
add One Queue Per File

eMule-THC.rar 1.65 MB
Looks good, its giving me this issue tho --->RB3 Hack: CRB3Filter::LoadRB3Filter failed - error: Error 12007
RB3 hack feature is maybe needless and outdated.
Found some info here:
Could not get this mod to upload properly, every couple of hours maybe 1 or 2 people got a chunk, no one in my queue, tho in the log I see it sending fakeranks to users (I have not been able to turn off the fakerank either). At first I turned off upload management, then tried with it on today, without success. Could be cause I'm on linux running wine maybe: switching back to zz-r for now. Too bad I like mods with probalistic queue (thou i never managed to accumulate any clients in my queue).
ZZ-R V3.4 Beta 1
Based on eMule 0.50a Final
+ new speedgraph (drop target) from x-mod
+ changed blockratio kick (drop blocking clients)
+ fakerank to argos no upload setting
+ changed modstring | usernick | runtime to titlebar
+ update crypto to newest v5.6.0
+ changed/removed clienticons (now all non emule are shown with green cross)
+ fixed auto connect at startup
+ updated to libpng 1.41 and cximage 6.0.0
+ changed community code
+ changed funny nick code
+ Added Payback First
+ added "Enable PBF for Leecher" switchable
+ added "Enable PBF for PartFiles" switchable
+ added PBF color in design settings
+ added Friend Slot to design settings
- removed community list
- removed filedonkey from search
- removed DownloadChunkDisplay to save memory
- removed Webservices
- removed connection checker
- removed asfu
- removed xpmenu
- removed context menu icons
- removed statistic tree icons
... many I forgot to list here ;-)
and many more changes around ZZ-R
some things are experimental
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