02 April 2010

Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3 Final - Namoroka 3.6.4pre Ayakawa build

Firefox 3.6 Release Notes: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.6.3/releasenotes/

Firefox 3.6.3 fixes a critical security issue that could potentially allow remote code execution (see bug 555109).

Namoroka 3.6.4pre/VC9 SP1 - changeset 33785:d5c0d2bcb518 (Thu Apr 01 15:39:40 2010 -0400)

VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build 7z ver.
size 8,096,936 byte
SHA256 0ace9e132d832fcbd3dc6b6c562c938f72f1d295a4a5f1de60336401ec275790
VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build installer ver.
size 8,169,989 byte
SHA256 7d52209b9ca3474cea789d9e0b50cc38d6c4e273209c3dce39158a3021186800


Namoroka 3.6.4pre (2010/04/02)

* profiling with getting source from changeset 33785:d5c0d2bcb518 (Thu Apr 01 15:39:40 2010 -0400)
* make with VC++9 SP1
* add compatibility for windows 7 on manifest. see MSDN-Application Manifest. But, if you use some plugins (e.g. Flash), Fx run under VISTA compatibility mode.
* make mozlibpixman.dll patch - pixmandll20091115.zip
* IJG's JPEG library with x86 SIMD extension & Namoroka Patches
* bug 509956

Homepage: http://marilab.hp.infoseek.co.jp/buildfx/index_en.html

Tete's Builds: http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/en-US/software.html http://www1.plala.or.jp/tete009/software/mozilla/firefox/release/

with Opera Theme:

Homepage: http://f22.aaa.livedoor.jp/~ptdb/firefox/theme.html


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