17 July 2011

eMule 0.50a EggAche v1.3

Coded by :


Changelog :

v1.3 : +) custom anti info in client details/upload feedback in sharedwnd/emulate other few adjustment


LeechOptions: Pass: not detected; Block: do not upload; 0Score: Ratings (base) 0
coutries: to be the country with ip2c display the same name, such as Jane in Jane's fullname display the csv in China, to fill China; 3letters display CHN. fill CHN; 2letters shown as CN, fill in CN.

Closemule / ShutdownOS: When no download tasks (no download tasks or task is stopped), # 1 minute to adjust to the # 5 minutes.
# (Next to be opened as soon as possible to change the emule options to nothing) # adjust only the current valid, full and flexible use. ^ ^

# I am not bored Community hash range, but failed to disable all SUI invalid client 0, so ... basically ... almost ...^^# userhashcheck

The official version of the collapse of the shared interface bug is not fixed, nothing to Freeze point that a few tabs ^ ^

# In addition, config ipfilter personally feel under more suitable for the domestic situation, address: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ed2k-ipfilterx/files/ # has been changed to charges by!

FreeMemory: Manual Under Tools, automatically every 5 minutes (HardCode) Check conditions: CPU & MEM's usage, in line with the implementation.

# UserhashCheck: still did not solve the hit / add = = # fixed the problem

Localized: totranslate.txt

Welcome to try ^ ^




neo27 said...

please! to insert a leechercountry what should I write? example: if I enter israel does not work: ( Help me

eyerb said...

same as the column of  COUNTRY in ULlist or DLlist or Qlist or Clientlist shown

and then the ip2c.csv is in simplified Chinese, change it to ur language

Admin said...

It's really an excellent mod. I reach full line speed even on my LowID (KAD+SVR firewalled on Cable ISP).
Keep it up the good work!

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