02 July 2011

ZZ-R 4.1



ZZ-R 4.1

Update to ZZUL-TRA 2.4 codebase

Add: Own Nick and Custom-Modstring Check, prevent punishing by dlp (antileech.dll must be in config)
Add: Releaser Group to high prio class (clients are direct added to upload)
Add: PBF for Releaser Group
Add: NoRatio switchable to SessionRatio
Add: Show permission icons in shared files window
Add: Upload fileprio menu in downloadlist
Add: Powershare menu in downloadlist
Add: Advanced official preferences to options-extended [Official/MorphXT]
Add: Additional File Formats [gagar]
Add: Limit Powershare by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
Add: Limit Powershare of complete source [SiRoB]
Add: Limited ps files change color from red to orange
Add: Show Compression in uploadlist [Tarod]
Add: See on Queue in sharedfiles window [Xman]
Add: On Queue at file feedback
Add: iSOTN global on (hardcoded) [WiZaRd]
Readd: UrlClient
Remove: Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support [dolphinx]
Remove: Check user hash [taz/DLP]
Change: Powershare settings to MorphXT style
Change: Auto-update IPFilter.dat [Xman]
Change: Thumbbar button (now connect/disconnect in one button)
Change: Blockratio % moved from status column to speed column
Change: Code cleanings, minor fixes, tagging, optimizations
Fix: Auto Server Disconnet Time setting
Fix: Broken ZZUL CheckForHighPrioClient (thx hooligan for testing)

Clean install recommended !!!


ed2k download


Lala said...

With country upload filter?

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