12 July 2011

Multi Password Recovery Review and 6 Licenses to GiveAway

Multi Password Recovery (also known as MPR) is an all-in-one Password audit, recovery and backup solution which supports more than 110 applications include latest Webbrowser such as IE 9, Chrome/Chromium Developer builds, Opera and nearly all FTP Clients. Moreover Instant messengers, E-mail clients, Download managers and many more... (see feature list)
It is the most advanced password program available today.

Multi Password Recovery is available as portable version and as installer.

Watch in Fullscreen Mode

The program is easy to operate and the interface can be switched in 18 languages.
It is full compatible with all Windows versions include the latest Windows 7 64-bit.
Multi Password Recovery is compact coded in Delphi and require only about 3 MB disk space. For USD 29.95 it beats some similar password tools which cost up to 10 times more.

Homepage: http://passrecovery.com/
Softpedia: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Back-Up-and-Recovery/Multi-Password-Recovery.shtml

As by nearly all Password recovery tools (a few have exceptions), some Antivirus software products with a not so intelligent scan engine detect a Trojan.
See "False Positive" by Nirsoft.

Should your AV also detect the program as 'false positive' by a faulty scan engine or signature updates, submit it to the AV False Positive Websites for manual analysis to make your AV more accurate.

We analysed the software and there is no online activity as by Trojans.
The component UpdateChecker.exe which is already separate from the program exe, check on user request if program updates are available.

To join this contest write a comment include the AV program which you use and tell us about your experience with product support by false positive detection (response time for manual analyses requests, time till a false positive was solved with anti-virus definition updates).
It will be also great if you share with us what you do to make today's AV and security software better (member in AV and security related forum/communities/joining Beta tests, unpacking - manual analysis...)

6 Licenses we GiveAway to the best comments related to password recovery and security.
We will announce the winners this weekend.


my_immortalize said...

Count me in please...

qwer0 said...

Multiplied security feeling with MPR :]

kurtum-i said...

waw  very nice app.I hope win
Now I use  NIS , when I install the MRP NIS sent this message.

Software work in demo versiyon , the program is operating normally


Admin said...

Norton, Symantec: https://submit.symantec.com/false_positive/
Let me know how long they need for analysis.

Admin said...

Can you try to improve your AV detection error rate:
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=7779 and check how long it takes for manual analysis to fix this?

Admin said...

Here is a site with instructions by false positives:


Alex said...

Even when trying to download the program on the computer Avast Internet Security displays the following message:
after scanning the downloaded archive:
Download and run the program it was possible only after a complete shutdown of AIS for 10 minutes. Very powerful program with great opportunities. Simply program behavior and program the device itself is very similar to the behavior and the virus code.
The same story can be seen with a free program DShutdown,( http://dimio.altervista.org/eng/ )
in which Kaspesky, Panda, Northon and F-Secure also sees the virus.
But it is an error. The program which carries out such strong supervision on the computer, is similar to a virus. And actually on its similarity it is arranged.
After working with Multi Password Recovery (already included protection Avast Internet Security), Avast behaves more softly and no longer finds a virus:

Thanks, Chris for another great giveaway and really powerful, appropriate and interesting software! Thanks!

ha14 said...

Shutdown avast realtime protection and installed Multi Password Recovery. Re-enabled avast realtime shield and clicked on Multi Password Recovery desktop icon, avast blocked it, will check something else to see how the response will be.

Gbason said...

I realy look forward to this valuable download.
Thanks, omypapa

Admin said...

needs to submit to avast false positive.

online it show nothing by Avast:

If its the installer instead of the portable download then there might be a second false positive on the installer by self.
BitDefender, F-Secure, Bullguard have the most accurate scan engine  when it comes to false positive include by many exe packers/packed files where I did tests of false positive.

Alex said...

VirusTotal Result: 5/43 (11,6%)
I sent еmail Avast (virus@avast.com) with "False Positive" subject.

Mayur said...

Nice giveaway, Please Count me in..........!
I use ESET smart security. No virus or Trojan found.
Hope to win one ........

Lee said...

Hope to receive this wonderful software. Thank you very much:)

ha14 said...

Got a reply from AVAST
Hello,thank you for sending sample. False positive will be fixed in next VPS update.

ha14 said...

Today Installation of Multi Password Recovery is without problem from Avast, so i think they fixed it.

Ion vass said...

I use G data Internet security and Ashampoo antimalware.Of course i have only one "Real-Time " protection activated (of G data) at any given time. I use the ashampoo only for on-demand scanning, both security suites have twin scan engines and all anti-virus definitions are always updated. Guess what, naturally both have identified MPR as trojan.I had to deactivated G data for 10 minutes in order to properly install MPR and also to register MPR as not malicious program in the white list of both securities and send it to the developers of both securities.
I can guarantee you that i do everything i can to make security software better .I am member in AV and security related communities (VirusTotal etc.) and i am a beta tester of several security suites.
I hope, i am also one of the six lucky winners and get a license of this very useful indeed program.
I thank you in advanced and sorry for my english.

bala said...

I want to also get a license of this verygood programme 

Havilson said...

Hi I would like to win a license for this wonderful software.
As a matter of fact I don't use any A/V product, I tried several from free ones to paid ones and none made me felt secure. So I prefer to use malware, trojan detectors (like Malware Bytes, Spybot Search & Detroy and IOBit Malware Fighter) and a good well configured firewall.
So false positives are something I live with, some of them are really false and after some research I can figure out what to do with, but another I really prefer to just discard.

Best Regards.

Guest said...

not sure if i need this one. but so in case.

RGG SOFT said...

I used avast, a best in scan and less system resources used by the avast. its best in scanning trojans. Dont have any issue with false positive detection.

It is best in Antivirus, its plus point is it BOOT TIME SCAN

Thank you

Count me for MPR

Sysabi said...

I very often tests different security programs like antiviruses, antimalware, antikeyloggers etc.
Now I'm using Norton Internet Security and SpyShelter and Malwarebytes AntiMalware Free on demand.
To choose my security software I often read opinions on security forums. It's very useful for me.
I also monitoring new AVs tests. 

About antiviruses...
In my opinion most important are:
- light antivirus together with firewall, which using not too much of CPU and memory,
- effective prevention - second thing,
- often updates.

What should be improved:
- in tests most antivirus programs didn't recognize keyloggers software, then you should use separate software for keyloggers like Zemana or SpyShelter for example,
- much good programs doesn't work on Windows 7 64 bits,
- very often password recovery tools or network skaners was recognized as a trojans or viruses.

One interesting thing about computer security. I'm using very good antivirus, firewall, HIPS programs, but from time to time for example Malwarebytes scaner can find some bad file or program when I scan my system on demand. Today I noticed this message after my system scan:
"(Trojan.KillAV) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully."

I would like to win a program. Is very important for me, that program works on Windows 7 64 bits.
I haven't try this software before, but yours review is very interesting. Menu looks nice, program has many options works with many web browsers.

Grr said...

Jelson, thanks for the sunbelt link. Never knew abt that..cool

Admin said...

Hi all.
There are a lot of good comments. I want to thank everyone who joined in this contest. We have only 6 Licenses to give out, I wish I could provide more. 

Here is the result of the first 6 draw at random and these are the winners:

Sysabi, Havilson, ha14, jelson, Bionic, Ion vass

You will hear from passrecovery.com shortly with your license.

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