eMule 0.48a ZZUltimativ 1.5b

eMule v0.48a [ZZULtimativ v1.5b]
ZZULtimativ 1.5b
+ Fakealyzer[netfinity]
+ MassRename[ef-Mod]
+ Ban AntiCommunity
+ Ban AntiMod
+ Always Ban if Client is Anti Mod & Anti Community
+ some CodeOptimations[sivka/maella]
+ updated some code from emulefuture cvs fixed a stupid bug from me
ZZULtimativ v1.5
based on 0.48a
!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini im config Ordner löschen um Probleme mit den geänderten Limits zu vermeiden !!
!! Die Deutsche Sprachdatei mitnehmen damit es keine Anzeigefehler gibt ... !! Komplett Übersetzte Sprachdatei wird nachgeliefert!!
+ Show Infos about AntiComm & AntiMod in Clientdialog
+ Show BadGuy Symbol for AntiComm & AntiMod, too
+ fixed some bugs
+ removed Text from Splash
+ AntiMod
+ Switch for Upload Ban AntiMod & AntiComm
+ Boost Limits:
Limit for : Min - Max
AntiCommPunish : 0.01 - 1
AntiModPunish : 0.01 - 1
CommBoost : 1 - 10
FriendBoost : 1 - 10
Finished Files : 1 - 5
Part Files : 1 - 5
Max Chunks : 1 - 10
Release Prio : 10 - 100
High Prio : 5 - 50
Normal Prio : 3 - 30
Low Prio : 2 - 20
Very Low : 1 - 10
Score Calculation Infos:
Punish = Normal Score * PunishFactor; (0.01 means the Client get only 1% of score)
Boost = Normal Score * BoostFactor; (10 means the Client get 10 times the score then normal ones)
Beta 8 (PreFinal)
+ higher BufferTimeLimit for larger buffer[pP]
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]
- AuthSystem
+ WinSock2[eWombat]
Download: eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5b.7z
Server message Ads off doesn't work - BlockServerMessages=1
ZZULtimativ 1.5b
+ Fakealyzer[netfinity]
+ MassRename[ef-Mod]
+ Ban AntiCommunity
+ Ban AntiMod
+ Always Ban if Client is Anti Mod & Anti Community
+ some CodeOptimations[sivka/maella]
+ updated some code from emulefuture cvs fixed a stupid bug from me
ZZULtimativ v1.5
based on 0.48a
!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini im config Ordner löschen um Probleme mit den geänderten Limits zu vermeiden !!
!! Die Deutsche Sprachdatei mitnehmen damit es keine Anzeigefehler gibt ... !! Komplett Übersetzte Sprachdatei wird nachgeliefert!!
+ Show Infos about AntiComm & AntiMod in Clientdialog
+ Show BadGuy Symbol for AntiComm & AntiMod, too
+ fixed some bugs
+ removed Text from Splash
+ AntiMod
+ Switch for Upload Ban AntiMod & AntiComm
+ Boost Limits:
Limit for : Min - Max
AntiCommPunish : 0.01 - 1
AntiModPunish : 0.01 - 1
CommBoost : 1 - 10
FriendBoost : 1 - 10
Finished Files : 1 - 5
Part Files : 1 - 5
Max Chunks : 1 - 10
Release Prio : 10 - 100
High Prio : 5 - 50
Normal Prio : 3 - 30
Low Prio : 2 - 20
Very Low : 1 - 10
Score Calculation Infos:
Punish = Normal Score * PunishFactor; (0.01 means the Client get only 1% of score)
Boost = Normal Score * BoostFactor; (10 means the Client get 10 times the score then normal ones)
Beta 8 (PreFinal)
+ higher BufferTimeLimit for larger buffer[pP]
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]
- AuthSystem
+ WinSock2[eWombat]
Download: eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5b.7z
Server message Ads off doesn't work - BlockServerMessages=1
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