eMule VVT-I

modded by COoLZERo
new Feature: clients, you try to upload, but connection fail, get a second change. They are put back on uploadqueue, marked with ~~~ and get an uploadslot at their next connection (same handling like LowID)
- new Feature: don't upload on startup without serverconnection. don't accept new upload on lost of internetconnection
- new Feature: advanced Downloadmanager: find best sources
this feature includes 3 features:
- an intelligent dropping wich also drops HQ sources, depending on QR, remote-credits, and avg QR
- dropped clients may not reentering the downloadqueue for 50 minutes
- intelligent swapping, which looks on filepriority and sourcecount to balance the sources between the files, download with highest priority is always prefered
further more, you can now drop and swap manually how much you want, you don't get banned, and you don't get back the dropped sources
- changed: Non SI-Clients get only 80% score
- changed: removed remaining time from transferewindow, now you can see the QR-average
- changed: some timeout settings
- changed: "aksfordownload" - priorities
- changed: method for passive source finding (listensocket, CheckAndAddKnownSource), should take now 2/3 less CPU
- changed: source reask time increased (due to 0.44)
- changed: new method to detect the right NAFC-adapter, works only after receiving a HighID from server, otherwise old method is used
- bugfix: an official protocol bug which can cause failed uploadsessions (also a patch on downloading-side for better compatibility with ed2k-protocol
- bugfix: an official bug wich can cause LowID clients to get a second uploadsession after it finished the first one, althought it hasn't enough score
add FakeRank Variable undetectable with FRK for Full queue
add Variable upload kick (QR Graduation)&(no friend kick)
add Uploadmanagement :(boost friend and VVT-I Mods)(Optimized with Qr Ranking)
add COoLZERo Crédit system
add Kick And Bann ( Client connus/UpQueue/Upload)
add drop (NNS/FQ/TooMan/aask/..)
add disable sources beetwen clients exchanging
add Link to board 'Zero division'
and more...
eMule vvt-i.rar (1.01 MB)
- No share complet files (share only downloaded files)
- CZ credit system
- uploadkick 2.3mo
- uploadmanagement
- Very small latence
- Ban4Ban
- other secret in test

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