eMule v0.48a zzUlti-R Basic-R-C V1.7 Releaser Edition
eMule v0.48a [zzUlti-R Basic-R-C V1.7]
Releaser Edition with Community options

ZZULtimativ-R V1.7
+ Kickall from Queue (waiting for this file)
+ AddLeecher in KnownClientsList
+ New Options Window for Groups
+ Publish Files to Server
+ SearchCheck
+ Max Chunks fixed (now works also without slotfocus)
+ Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window (now fixed)
+ Fixed LogFilteredKADIPs (now saved)
+ BadGuy Icon in Lists
+ Changed LeecherClientList.dat !now -> LeecherStaticList.dat
+ Button in Cliendetails for add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Modstring to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Userhash to Leecher Static-List
+ Changed: Delete Leecher List Buttons !now -> in Tools menu
+ Fake Check
+ Non eMule Clients working with Leecher Protection prevention
+ No Boosts for BadGuys
+ Global Hardlimit
+ HL-Parts of Sivka File Settings
+ Show Global HL
+ Score Reduce Prevention in Leecher Protection
+ Powershare in Statistics
+ BadClientFlag & Fix in Baseclient.cpp
+ Credits Reset Exploit Prevention
+ SLS - Save only useful sources
+ SLS - changed LowID-saving
+ Do NOT alter DVD-Video files VOB,IFO,BUP, etc.
+ Fixed Drop Banned Client from Upload
+ Corruption Blackbox Fix
+ IntelliFlush
+ Spreadreask
+ All Mod settings now saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini
+ Some little fixes
+ German language file updated
- Removed Fakealyzer
- ConChecker
- Unused Codeparts
because Options now all saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini, some settings could have changed, so better control it

ZZULtimativ-R is developed by morph4u, 2bc, mL
ZZULtimativ-R V1.6 Hotfix
- Removed Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window
+ Fixed Friend Colors
ZZULtimativ-R V1.6
!!! cleaninstall important !!!
+ Leecher Protection
+ Leecher in Statistics
+ Leecher in Detail Dialog
+ Releaser Group (switchable)
+ Releaser on Queue Window
+ Releaser Boost
+ Releaser Permission
+ ReleaserTags.ini in config folder
+ CommunityTags.ini in config folder
+ Random Modstring (switchable)
+ Shutdown eMule after download
+ Shutdown PC after download
+ NiceHash CPU Load
+ Remember unused AICH-hashes
+ Downloaded History
+ eD2K Friend Link
+ Smart Category Control (SCC)
+ Tray Password Protection
+ Automatic shared files updater
+ Corrupted Blocks Ban Threshold
+ .met File Control
+ client.met expiration
+ Spreadbar reset with automatic reload
+ Release Bonus
+ Open Incoming folder from systray
+ KAD Update nodes.dat from URL Window
+ KAD Auto-Update nodes.dat (Switchable)
+ KAD Optimized Search
+ Kick all (Upload)
+ Kick all (Queue)
+ Kick all (Queue-LowID)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Friend)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Releaser)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Community)
+ German language file updated
- Removed Smart Upload Control
- Removed Applejuice Detection
- Removed AntiComm/Mod -> now in Leecher Protection
- Removed ZZULtimativprefs.ini -> now saved in ZZULtimativ-R.ini
!!! Delete the ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in config file before start, please !!!
!!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini und preferences.ini im config Ordner löschen !!!
ZZULtimativ-R V1.5
+ fixed updates on startup
+ fixed Reask
+ fixed menu colors
+ Manual Client Management
+ Push Files by Filetypes
+ Minimum Slots Option
+ Show Icon for Client share visibility
+ Vista fix for Sysinfo
+ Country and Software in Commentlist
+ Select all in Shared and Downloadlist
+ German language file updated
+ Some little Fixes
- Removed Auto Hardlimit
- Removed Auto Download Priority
ZZULtimativ-R V1.4
+ Web Interface
+ Scheduler
+ Auto Hardlimit
+ Auto Download Priority
+ Update Window in Options
+ Show MinQR Checkbox enable/disable
+ Whois IP-Lookup
+ Separated remaining time/size in Download
+ Emulate others in Options
+ Conection Check
+ Splashscreen
+ Startup Sound (put startup.wav in config!)
+ Sidebanner
+ Multi Credit System
+ Smart Upload Control
+ Dynamic Upload
+ Nick Addon Faker (Emulate Community Addons)
+ Send Random Userhash to Shareaza clients without SUI
+ ReAsk
+ Enhanced Client Recognization updated
+ More Log Colors
+ Some Fixes and Code Improvements
+ German language file updated
Homepage BBS: BASIC-R-C :::. .::: The Next Generation :::. http://www.basic-r-c.net/wbb2//
with Comm and Releaser Features:
without Releaser and Comm Features:
older Versions:
Sites linking in:
...and so on...
... see Search Engine Catche
Releaser Edition with Community options

ZZULtimativ-R V1.7
+ Kickall from Queue (waiting for this file)
+ AddLeecher in KnownClientsList
+ New Options Window for Groups
+ Publish Files to Server
+ SearchCheck
+ Max Chunks fixed (now works also without slotfocus)
+ Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window (now fixed)
+ Fixed LogFilteredKADIPs (now saved)
+ BadGuy Icon in Lists
+ Changed LeecherClientList.dat !now -> LeecherStaticList.dat
+ Button in Cliendetails for add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Modstring to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Userhash to Leecher Static-List
+ Changed: Delete Leecher List Buttons !now -> in Tools menu
+ Fake Check
+ Non eMule Clients working with Leecher Protection prevention
+ No Boosts for BadGuys
+ Global Hardlimit
+ HL-Parts of Sivka File Settings
+ Show Global HL
+ Score Reduce Prevention in Leecher Protection
+ Powershare in Statistics
+ BadClientFlag & Fix in Baseclient.cpp
+ Credits Reset Exploit Prevention
+ SLS - Save only useful sources
+ SLS - changed LowID-saving
+ Do NOT alter DVD-Video files VOB,IFO,BUP, etc.
+ Fixed Drop Banned Client from Upload
+ Corruption Blackbox Fix
+ IntelliFlush
+ Spreadreask
+ All Mod settings now saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini
+ Some little fixes
+ German language file updated
- Removed Fakealyzer
- ConChecker
- Unused Codeparts
because Options now all saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini, some settings could have changed, so better control it

ZZULtimativ-R is developed by morph4u, 2bc, mL
ZZULtimativ-R V1.6 Hotfix
- Removed Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window
+ Fixed Friend Colors
ZZULtimativ-R V1.6
!!! cleaninstall important !!!
+ Leecher Protection
+ Leecher in Statistics
+ Leecher in Detail Dialog
+ Releaser Group (switchable)
+ Releaser on Queue Window
+ Releaser Boost
+ Releaser Permission
+ ReleaserTags.ini in config folder
+ CommunityTags.ini in config folder
+ Random Modstring (switchable)
+ Shutdown eMule after download
+ Shutdown PC after download
+ NiceHash CPU Load
+ Remember unused AICH-hashes
+ Downloaded History
+ eD2K Friend Link
+ Smart Category Control (SCC)
+ Tray Password Protection
+ Automatic shared files updater
+ Corrupted Blocks Ban Threshold
+ .met File Control
+ client.met expiration
+ Spreadbar reset with automatic reload
+ Release Bonus
+ Open Incoming folder from systray
+ KAD Update nodes.dat from URL Window
+ KAD Auto-Update nodes.dat (Switchable)
+ KAD Optimized Search
+ Kick all (Upload)
+ Kick all (Queue)
+ Kick all (Queue-LowID)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Friend)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Releaser)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Community)
+ German language file updated
- Removed Smart Upload Control
- Removed Applejuice Detection
- Removed AntiComm/Mod -> now in Leecher Protection
- Removed ZZULtimativprefs.ini -> now saved in ZZULtimativ-R.ini
!!! Delete the ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in config file before start, please !!!
!!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini und preferences.ini im config Ordner löschen !!!
ZZULtimativ-R V1.5
+ fixed updates on startup
+ fixed Reask
+ fixed menu colors
+ Manual Client Management
+ Push Files by Filetypes
+ Minimum Slots Option
+ Show Icon for Client share visibility
+ Vista fix for Sysinfo
+ Country and Software in Commentlist
+ Select all in Shared and Downloadlist
+ German language file updated
+ Some little Fixes
- Removed Auto Hardlimit
- Removed Auto Download Priority
ZZULtimativ-R V1.4
+ Web Interface
+ Scheduler
+ Auto Hardlimit
+ Auto Download Priority
+ Update Window in Options
+ Show MinQR Checkbox enable/disable
+ Whois IP-Lookup
+ Separated remaining time/size in Download
+ Emulate others in Options
+ Conection Check
+ Splashscreen
+ Startup Sound (put startup.wav in config!)
+ Sidebanner
+ Multi Credit System
+ Smart Upload Control
+ Dynamic Upload
+ Nick Addon Faker (Emulate Community Addons)
+ Send Random Userhash to Shareaza clients without SUI
+ ReAsk
+ Enhanced Client Recognization updated
+ More Log Colors
+ Some Fixes and Code Improvements
+ German language file updated
Homepage BBS: BASIC-R-C :::. .::: The Next Generation :::. http://www.basic-r-c.net/wbb2//
with Comm and Releaser Features:
without Releaser and Comm Features:
older Versions:
Links offside, Conntent for illustration and places can change. Please use
Google search twice a day to get updated locations.
Sites linking in:
...and so on...
... see Search Engine Catche