25 April 2008

eMule v0.49a beba v2.0 by tuXMan

eMule v0.49a beba v2.0 (Nightly Bin) 14/04/2008
CompanyName: http://beba.emulefuture.de
FileDescription: eMule beba by Tuxman
FileVersion: 0.49.0 Unicode
InternalName: emule.exe
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2002-2008 Merkur - read license.txt for more infos
OriginalFilename: emule.exe
ProductName: eMule beba

Tits [Tuxman]
* note that they are displayed by a random generator; to stop displaying them at all, add the line "EasterEgg=0" to the [beba] section of the file preferences.ini.
- No Beta Dialog nagging [Tuxman]
- Fixed bug with the "Open Directory" menuitem in the shared files window [Stulle]
- Fixed several bugs in the new Kad firewall, obfuscation and direct callback functions

Download with Debug Code: emule 049 beba nightlybin.7z
Download without Debug Code BIN: emule.v049a-beba2.0-nodebug.7z


Anonymous said...

where is the Source Code???
Beba have normal a src or not more (drop, reask, drup fullQ,...) leechMan?

Anonymous said...

Its a Nightly (Beta), VeryCD do not publish src by betas too!

Anonymous said...

but but VeryCd is by emulefuture as leecher mod listed "Bad Mod" section and eastshare, Korea now too (friend upload feature)!!!

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