29 April 2008

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Final official MS Download Links Italian, Hebrew, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Chinese, French,... | Build 5512 RTM

Windows XP SP3 Final RTM 5512
RTW = Release To Web

All Languages Direct Download via Windows Update Download Server as standalone installer full

Download available in: English, Arabic, Traditional Chinese-Hong Kong, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

Read more about it here: Overview of Windows XP Service Pack 3.pdf
Also the UAA (HD Audio) hotfix KB 888111 is included in the RTM build.
RTM = Release to Manufacture
read more on: Wikipedia Windows XP SP3

Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) read here


Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final English Us:
MD5: bb25707c919dd835a9d9706b5725af58
SHA1: c81472f7eeea2eca421e116cd4c03e2300ebfde4
Size: 331,805,736

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final German / DEUtsch:
SHA1: f2dcd2211384a78df215c696a7fd1a7949dc794b
Size: 328,324,136

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final French / FRAnce:
MD5: a9a9a86e7330bffaf64ae2acfb73d959
SHA1: 414b61bbc86e09579d8447baa23eb1b867f9ca93
Size: 324,222,504

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Japanese:
SHA1: e0fc34cfa52d270b3c79a68af8fa358244f7419e
Japanese Express: http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/svpk/2008/04/windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-express-x86-jpn_a8b4bd97bf4b11b00ffb96d562c79a90f57d0219.exe

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Czech / CelSkY:
MD5: 71b2bad5aba6175408db51a7547ed9e2
SHA1: 7af606916b887dba9dd38ae282505ce2c2b81b08
Size: 322,523,176

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Polish / Polska:
MD5: 152c4d174756d33746c81e177edccdf2
SHA1: 7cbe718131e9c71b322f1149e86bedba351ba11c
Size: 322,713,128

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Spanish / ESpaNol:
MD5: a3fc7285f1ee00ca57b06c6e7c875ca8
SHA1: e305becfc6fd5a8199368ceffc496397247ac60f
Size: 323,586,088

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Italian:
MD5: cd284633bb67dceca4db8221f6e67773
SHA1: 2162c1d419d1e462a7dc34294528b2daf593302c
Size: 323,000,872

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Korean:
SHA1: 8ca7e862bfc2742ad9c4c58df0b0cd5ad4b700ae

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Chinese Simplified:
MD5: a9d6f4586ec6929918b2c3fe29d0ce87
SHA1: D7067E86ABD4257454200D0C398D71C4CE6CD33E
文件大小: 335.1 MB

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Chinese Traditional:
SHA1: 8a0625e10b8c6cb88d9d1952f1a189fbd761b744

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Chinese Hong Kong:
SHA1: 2663fb610f29e65a10be176740ea6757ca1f22d5

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Hebrew:
SHA1: EB8FC9FF0890279346661DDE065C14B5C696E423

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Dutch:
SHA1: b2576b4d1972583a3b776fdf963b914341d34058

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Turkish:
SHA1: 5AAF60501636AF08C97EF1C18F1315F4ED6FBCDF

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Final Swedish:
SHA1: 13c5ecca22e12224934a1faa1190ee34db3995ae

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Hungarian:

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Arabic:

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Finnish:

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 5512 Portuguese Brazil:

ALL Languages (32) direct from MS Download Here

Do not post on TipTrickShit they stolen all links as soon we generate Sha1 to put a link up

Formula to get the right download link:

Or what other Websites hide from your knowledge!

Things you need to know:

1. Your Language Country code in 3 Letters! eg. Germany is DEU, English US = ENU, Portuguese Brazil = PTB,... place to> YOURLANGUAGE follow by _ sign ( YOURLANGUAGE_ )

2. You need to know the SHA1 Hash number 50 digit long! (HashMyFiles.exe)
Search, ask or check your file if you got a Final SP3 RTM via torrent, file share hoster download (the size can not be bigger than 350 MB, no integrated SP3 Packs! Only standalone) and use any MD5/SHA1 Hash verify tool!
write .exe as file extension after the hash number

3. To get the download link enter Url: http://download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/software/svpk/2008/04/WINDOWSXP-KB936929-SP3-X86-YOURLANGUAGE_SHA1Number.exe


Italian = ITA (add _ sign after) SHA1 = 2162c1d419d1e462a7dc34294528b2daf593302c
The file name will be:

The correct Download link will be:


The Download URL with or without www and capital or small letters doesn't matter.

Found some NEW Languages? Post it here as comment.

We are looking for Brazilian Portuguese SHA1, Portuguese and all Languages which are not listed here! Write a comment to share it!!!

If you get some other Langueges available in Windows Update Site, switch before downloading a connection monitoring tool on or check if your firewall, router interface can log all incomming internet traffic with the full url address. Make a note about the download url address that people can use download manager insteed of using the slower, sometimes without resume, windows update feature to install it manually and not automatically. Also you will have a backup if you get the url to the file if auto installation failed.

Dutch, Turkey, Slovakian, Slovenian and many more Languages should come via Windows Update site offer very soon.

Required Windows without any PRE, RC or Beta Service Pack 3 installed on your system!
Windows XP SP2 no higher!

News Source:
Google search


Royale Noir: secret XP theme uncovered)
Extract files to “C:\windows\resources\themes\royale noir”
Double click on “luna.msstyles”
Select “Noir” from “Color Scheme”

"During Royale’s development (the XP Media Center theme), the graphic artists also produced a black version of the skin, sans the overused “glass” effect. The result is an aesthetic black skin named “Royale Noir”, it even works with Office 2003.
Since the skin was never released (or reached final adjustments) there are a few issues with it: some of the colors don’t meet the overall “feel” (they’re too purple-ish compared to the greys of the bitmaps) and the inactive titlebars are a little too dark.
You’ll find it’s been signed by Microsoft and doesn’t require a custom UxTheme.dll in case there are any doubts as to its authenticity.

If you already have Royale installed, you’ll need to remove it as both of these skins share the same name.

This skin has not been released to anyone outside Microsoft, until now."

Royale Theme for WinXP - Official

Because this themes has been code-signed by Microsoft, no UXTheme.dll hack required.

ImageBanana - errorzh0.jpg

Windows XP SP3 English

Windows XP SP3 Simplified Chinese

Windows XP SP3 Traditional Chinese

Windows XP SP3 Chinese (Hong Kong)

Windows XP SP3 German (Deutsch)

Windows XP SP3 French

Windows XP SP3 Russian

Windows XP SP3 Czech

Windows XP SP3 Hebrew

Windows XP SP3 Spanish

Windows XP SP3 Italian

Windows XP SP3 Dutch

Windows XP SP3 Polish

Windows XP SP3 Japanese

Windows XP SP3 Korean

Windows XP SP3 Turkish


Anonymous said...

It maybe sounds crazy but but I changed the Theme to that signed one from a unsigned Vista style Theme and now suddenly the System is faster as well IE 8 Beta does not more hang by some pages.
Can a unsigned Theme if it's "bad" coded use lot of resources up to produce memmory leak, higher CPU load as soon applications are started (not by idle!)???

Anonymous said...

Her is very good demonstrated how to get for example the Italian Download Link. There are many more Languages available.

According to these lies on
typical top level domains content: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080429-microsoft-releases-the-long-anticipated-windows-xp-sp3.html

Is to understand the site author do not want to share other Languages and limit it to these he have. No it isn't exclusive for english and the few copies of other language links he did found.

Anonymous said...

What's the Country code 3 letters by ms soft?
Short for Hungary hun or Magyar m??
please post here...

Unknown said...



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