eMule 0.49a Razorback 3 Next Generation 5.01 (Applejuice)

eMule Razorback 3 Next Generation v5.01
Changelog 5.01:
- update to eMule 0.49a
- Community improvements
- spamfilterupdate
spezial features:
- adjustable Highspeed Credit System (Applejuice)
- Dual Server Connect
- advanced security features (e.g. AES 256 Bit)
- Highspeed Community
- Webbrowser
Homepage: http://www.emule-mods.biz/razorback3.htm
Bin: http://cracknet.org/emule/eMule.0.49a.Razorback3.Next.Generation.v5.01.Mod-Binary.(fast.and.xtreme).rar - Mirror
Installer: http://cracknet.org/emule/eMule.v0.49a.Razorback3.Next.Generation.v5.01.installer.exe - Mirror
The Applejuice Boost Credit system required that the download source using a compatible applejuice client. Applejuice is the most promoted Leecher mod since emule exist. For some reasion its combinated with zoogle, usenext and others.
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