16 June 2008

eMule v0.49a PRO 1.7

Usenext.de Ads eMule Series Mods present:

eMule v0.49a PRO 1.7


Security Center:
- unshare complete files
- dont publish files

- movie streaming
- queue per file
- usenext.de search tracing
- speed download via usenext.de :)

windows HOSTS file:
block usenext.de with this entries: usenext.de www.usenext.de

Homepage Usenext Affiliates (TD=401938) + firstload.de/affiliate/log.php?log=27976 + 28210 Advertiser referer:
= http://www.emulepro.6x.to/
= http://freenet-homepage.de/emulemods/index.html

BBS: http://www.emulefuture.de/forum/eMule-v049a-PRO-17-t11117.html
(Features taken from the eMule Features as in emulator to see @eMuleFuTure. These mods are from the ed2k net and websearch, not from here!!! We attach solution how to make them ads and tracing free if you wanna use it realy online. No advice to use this at all. We don't code it)
Open Ollydbg or whatever hexeditor replace usenext search part with something usefull maybe rapidshare intext if it should be out of emule network downloading or any good ftp indexer, google search,... include string may bring more as request usenext.de for payment downloads or remove these features at all do not irritate users using p2p with so called highspeed downloads 4 money!

eMule_PRO_1.7-0.49a.zip 1.73 MB

read more about Usenext.de eMule Mods


Anonymous said...

Tue it is! Usenext is UseLess

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