eMule 0.49a StulleMule v6.0 Private

based on eMule 0.49a MorphXT v11.0
modif...,by Engo3K 15.06.08
coded in Dresden
chang. PowerShare Limits for part & finished files to 800src.(Restrictions rem.)
rem. Friend Restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
chang. Ratio 1:?
chang. slotlimit 1-255
chang. release=PowerRelease + Release boost
add. Emulate Community Nick Addon
add. Push part files
add. Share Permission HIDEN-FRIENDS-COMMUNITY only
add. Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
add. Show IP in ClientDetailDialog
add. Friendboost x80
add. commboost x20
add. Unlimited slot
add. Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
add. Drop/Swap Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
add. Push Client to Upload (QueueList)
add. Slotfocus in UploadList (don't remove spare trickle slot)
add. Client-BAN from Upload Transfer & Queue List
add. Don't Ban Friends
add. Kick client from Upload
add. Kick all Upload Slots
add. Clear Banlist in Upload/QueueList
add. See on upload queue - Shared Files & feedback
add: New Feedback with Date/Time + File added from TransferWin.
fix. USC - Upload data rate per Client (don't remove spare trickle slot off)
Ratio 1:? = Upload less as 4KB/s=downloadlimit*50
Upload below 10KB/s=downloadlimit*100

eMule v0.49a StulleMule v6.0 - 20.05.2008 - by Stulle
based on eMule 0.49a MorphXT 11.0 compiled with vs2005 SP1
Added: MenuXP Sub Heading [fafner/Stulle]
Added: Advanced Transfer Window Layout [Stulle/ideas from fafner]
Added: Threaded File Settings Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: Threaded Known Files Saving [Stulle]
+ keeps the GUI responsive while saving
Added: DirectX (Preview feature) support for VS05 [eMF]
Changed: Save file settings when changing FollowTheMajority setting [Stulle]
Changed: Save file settings when new file added [Stulle]
Changed: File settings save thread waits 5 seconds before launching [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu Sidebars show mod version [Stulle]
Changed: Context menu title shown as sub heading [Stulle]
Changed: Creation of TBH: MiniMule (won't show up on startup now) [Stulle]
Changed: Maintain splitter state on change TransferWnd toolbar settings [Stulle]
Updated: Anti-Leecher-Lists (DLP v32-pre) [Xman/Myth/JvA/DLarge]
Fixed: Some memleak fixes and other fixes [fafner]
Fixed: Memleak fixes for System info [WiZaRd]
Fixed: (minor) Permission context menu in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
Fixed: (minor) On/Off button for Server design settings [Stulle]
Advanced Transfer Window Layout:
+ Any two lists can be viewed at the same time
+ Downloading file list can only be viewed in the upper part
+ If list shown in the upper half is already in the lower half the lower
list changes to next list
+ To disable / enable press the split button / item
Homepage: http://www.gate-to-darkness.com/wbb2/

Test it by self using Trojan Deep Scanner and such AV which can scan well C++
Rising updated 2008.07.08
VBA32 updated 2008.07.07
might found it later. Check again
Original StulleMule is clean all Versions!!! MorphXT Private is clean all Versions.
eMule 0.48a and 0.49a Stulle Private :
eMule.exe (Worm.Win32.DownLoad.gh)
eMule.v0.48a-StulleMule.v5.3.Private.Light.zip 3.41 MB
SMSPorgWS_v5.3.zip 2.72 MB
SM_v5.3.zip 3.54 MB
StulleMule_v6.0_Private_2_VS2005.zip 2.95 MB
All Files have been scanned to the date of publication but later AV updates shown it as possible Viruses by different AV scanners under different Virus names!
Do NOT Ban good Mods on Modstring name and version!!!
If you do, I publish how to change ModString/Hello Tag (Name + Version) in all eMule Mods that < Random > new Mod names get created and appears!
eMule 0.49, emule 0.48... +
anyModname,MID=Tag0x55="whateveryouwant modname + version",...
This works by all eMule mods doing simply changes with a Hexeditor!!! Your ban list will never end.
Why? Because a few of these mods, call them leecher or not, the upload speed is excellent in addition to the download speed! Better put by Applejuice clients the right parts from userhash (see communication between them) into Antileecher DLP.
wtf no Bakerman GFX
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