08 June 2008

REQUEST on user wish: eMule v0.49a SNAKE, eMule v0.49a FRTK EvoStar

WHERE IS eMule SNAKE 0.49a Version PLEASE!
- eMule v0.47c SNAKE v2.5 RC3 (FASTEST eMule MOD)_WHERE IS 0.49a-50a Versions PLEASE or release SRC-SOURCES.rar.emulecollection
- eMule v0.47c SNAKE v2.5 RC3 (FASTEST eMule MOD)_WHERE IS 0.49a-50a Versions PLEASE or release SRC-SOURCES.zip

eMule 0.45b FRTK EvoStar with SearchCatch & ViewFilesCatch
Add these features to v0.48a & 0.49a mods!!!
- eMule_0.45b_-FRTK-EvoStar_v2.6-BIN.rar (with.SearchCatch.&.ViewFilesCatch;Add.these.features.to.v.0.48a.&.0.49a.mods).rar
- eMule_0.45b_-FRTK-EvoStar_v2.6-SRC.rar (with.SearchCatch.&.ViewFilesCatch;Add.these.features.to.v.0.48a.&.0.49a.mods).rar

eMule_0.45b_-FRTK-EvoStar_v2.6-BIN. rename to .rar
eMule_0.45b_-FRTK-EvoStar_v2.6-SRC rename to .rar


Anonymous said...

There is no .49a SNAKE, and I doubt there will be one. SNAKE's former support board has turned into a fucking AJ fan board...

FRTK is AFAIK not continued, too. But I'll see what ViewFilesCatch actually does. :p

Anonymous said...

What is emule salvete?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These projects have nothing to do with eMule.

Recon said...

What does it mean:
"Aber zum Glück gibt's ja immer mehr Konvertierte auf der "weißen Seite"..."

To the luck more converted to a white site...

The website should make in brighter color, white no dark black to have more luck?
Will it increase visitor stats???

Anonymous said...

Hi Folks, nobody can merge the good old Snake to 49a ? Tuxman hast Recht der Snake ist verstoßen und verdammt traurig wie man einen Progger mal schnell abservieren kann. Ich kann schon nachvollziehen warum eMOd kein Bock mehr hat weiter zu coden. A lot of Snakers wait for a new Version maybe a chance merge the old version ? AJ ban Snake LOL! Good Luck Folks hope reade more about this ;)

Anonymous said...

Sowhere can merge SNAKE to 49a?
AJ lol! This fu.... is bugy open end. Please help merge good old Snake ^^
Ich kann verstehen warum eMod keine Böcke mehr hat noch was zu tun wenn die eigene "Comm" ihn verstoßen hat -.-

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