07 February 2011

Win a VPN Account to protect your identity - Free GiveAway

We give away for free the following VPN Accounts:

Super VPN Services 14 Account (7x US Gateways, 7x Europe - DE Gateways) P2P eMule/Torrent is supported.

Super VPN Services offers VPN accounts for all kind of needs include IPhone VPN, VoIP VPN and P2P Torrent VPN.

We have not fully tested the service in detail yet because the selection of available Gateways is amazing. At times we reach up to 1,4 MB/s on BT and nearly 4 MB on Speedtest. The servers can be sometimes slower as 0.5 - 1 MB/s, the rate varies. We received for us a live time account with all servers - many thanks! The provider has, however, a package which P2P eMule and BitTorrent direct supports on Gateways in Germany and the United States. We assume that this work perfect with P2P as well.

VPN Traffic 1x 6 Months, 1x 3 Months and 6x 1 Month Accounts.

VPN Traffic offers a wide range of VPN Gateways: USA, AU, UK, Spain, Russia, Italy, India, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong.

From our location in a former soviet country we reached download speeds of 1.5 MB on our 4 mb/s cable Internet access using the long distance gateway in Korea on P2P. Opening web pages, unfortunately, had a short Time Delay but this may be due to our location.

FBVPN 1x 6 Months, 1x 3 Months and 6x 1 Month Accounts.

FBVPN offers excellent fast VPN Gateways in UK and USA supporting PPTP + L2TP/IPsec.

Video clips from sites like Hulu.com over the U.S. Gateway run nearly perfect. Clips from the BBC Youtube channel we received without interruptions using the UK Gateway. The speed tests we made were outstanding. P2P seems to be not supported. Web browsing works with our Internet access without any speed loss on both gateways in the UK and USA. IPv6 is supported as well as it looks.

Invisible Browsing VPN Provides us with 5 free premium accounts with access to all servers valid for 3 months.

ibVPN operates reliable Gateways in US, CA, UK, NL, DE, IE and FR. All of them servers are very fast. No delay while watching Movie Clips and fluent web browsing. Speedtest results are excellent. Up and Downloading from the net works same fast as without a VPN between. We do reach line speed with this VPN.
ibVPN celebrates the first year birthday and discount all packages 50% using the coupon code 1YEAR50

VPNReactor give:
- 1 six month VPNReactor MAX account
- 1 three month VPNreactor MAX account
- 6 one month VPNReactor MAX account

The Accounts including StealthVPN (VPN concealed within basic web/email traffic) and Europe VPN Gateways in addition Turbo Downloads - low user/server ratio, 24/7 Unlimited connections & bandwidth, Premium Support, Turbo Downloads - low user/server ratio, 1 Gig VPNreactor.com email address - your_login@vpnreactor.com and U.S.A. Based VPN Servers.

Video clips from Hulu.com and CBS.com over the U.S. Gateway in Florida we received without any interruptions. Pandora Radio Streams run fluent. The service includes a PRO Email Webmail with 1 GB storrage. Ed2K find quick sources. By Downloading and uploading from the net we reach constantly nearly line speed from our isp in east Europe, BT ports are reachable. FTP also works. IPv6 seems to work.

Hide My Ass Pro VPN Service VPN Pro Accounts for 3x 1 month, 2x 6 months and 1x 12 months.

HideMyAss offers a huge selection of gateways in East and West European Countries as well many Gateways in the US. Furthermore Australia, Russia and Servers in some Asian Countries. 75+ servers, 7000+ IP's.

With our ISP we have a Low ID on eMule but by using this VPN we got a High ID. This is excellent! Speed tests on the gateways we tested were outstanding. Browsing and downloading from the net is quite fast. We don't feel any lose in speed by switching this VPN between or connect direct. FTP works as well. By installing the optional software, the Gateway country can be switched after a time period automatically.

TUVPN.COM provide 2 x 3 months and 5 x 1 months on shared accounts, access to all servers.

TUVPN Services offer 13 VPN servers in 10 countries.

TUVPN has an excellent FAQ database where the VPN functionality is explained in detail. Furthermore, also the difference between shared and dedicated VPN service.

We testing this VPN and we can say this one works as well on eMule on High Id with a very fast up and download speed as well all other Internet applications run. The servers are extreme fast.
Downloads are fantastic fast. We don't feel any loose of speed or performance at all using TUVPN between the connection.

You can win one of these Premium VPN Accounts if you

Follow LeecherMods.com with Google Friend Connect and login with your Google Account by writing a comment here so that we can contact you via email.

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● If you have a webpage/blog add this banner to your site or post as your signature in forums

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This Giveaway Contest is expired on 07. February 2011 and the winners are known

The Winners have been chosen randomly and results was published on 07. February 2011

- VPN Accounts Contest Winner List -


hooligan said...

banner bei mir im forum eingebaut
unter partner;-)

hooligan said...

works with eMule
and i have HIGH ID =)

Anonymous said...

that is great and very detail.

Miguel said...

Great site! I'm using vpn to passtrough my work firewall.

自由网络 said...

banner bei mir im forum eingebaut
unter partner;-)

自由网络 said...

free vpn

Anonymous said...

I would like 6 one month VPNReactor MAX accounts. So I can give them away to my vistors of my site(www.gregoryhammond.ca)

jackalpsu said...

Thanks in advance for the chance to win an account. Love your site!


poopboypat said...

Whoot whoot

Kimpil said...

Looking forward to try one. Here in Thailand we are very limited in our web access.

Unknown said...

I have acces web with free, search utility repair windows.

Martik Panosian said...

Hope I win!

Santelmo said...

this will be of great use. especially, to bloggers like me.

Uhmyell said...

all access, while protecting your privacy. would love that.

YassineOS said...

please i need really HMA pro vpn premium account i will do anything to get an account please pm please

thank you

Saturn82 said...

Please count me in. I can's access YouTube on my ISP without Proxy or VPN.

TyTy said...

Could really use this for work and Play!
please let me know what I have to do!

Riddick said...

Great Giveaway!

I would like to win an account that I can use the internet private and using Emule without any others can see my real IP. I want to access restricted sites Hulu, CNBC and others without having bandwidth limitations.

I follow this site with Friend connect.

Please count me in too!

Lutherross3 said...

This is a great deal. Was searching to see if a particular mod's source code was available. I want to know the inner workings, and see if I can improve/come up with my own. Glad I caught this when I did!!

Jay said...

Followed on google friend.


Thanks for the giveaway.

Natalia said...

Thanks for the possibility to win a account.
Hopeful I have luck this time!

rapiddarkvenom said...

endlich ne moeglichkeit emule anonym zu verwenden, darauf habe ich schon lange gewartet. wuerde mich riesig freuen einen zugang zu gewinnen

roady said...

anonym emule&torrent??
very nice
hope i will win

Anonymous said...

My ISP has blocked Skype.
I've been looking for a solution the other day. Now I heared about VPN will solve this problem.
I'll be very happy if I win an account!!!

My Email is modest_1 (at) mail.ru

Anonymous said...

Subscript to Newsletter per eMail.Want to win too AxMan@arcor.de

Anonymous said...

I need it for my work. Many websites not accessible. Contact mail if win chriss"at"cool.ms

iso said...

same problem
My ISP has blocked Skype&youtube
hope vpn can change this problem

Recon said...

We calculated with more feedback. The time range was to short by this contest.

I'm sorry, but special wishes which providers who would like to win of the participants, can not be taken into account. We will do the game random draw lots.

We will announce shortly the results of the contest and publish a separate article.

Unfortunately, not all participants have left their contact email in them profile.

We need the email addresses to forward to the providers that they can create an account.

Martell said...

Great site! A VPN connection would be appreciated for educational purposes. I guess you have my email address by Google, there is another one: martell_xo pisem.net

Unknown said...

Wondelful site! looking for a VPN which will enforce my connection. :) nkwdwxc at gmail.com

Recon said...

If there is more demand for VPN Accounts especially for people who have them Web censored, we will start a similar giveaway at a later time.

Subscript to our Newsletter to stay up to date with upcoming news.

Thanks to all who have participated and congratulations to the winners!

飞力 said...

It's Great!!!

ahmad alkhalaf said...

I Follow LeecherMods.com with My Google Friend Connect .
hope to get one ... thanx

fpine said...

I follow you because i belive you will not let me disappointed! thanx!

Unknown said...

I Follow LeecherMods.com with My Google Friend Connect
hope to get one ...

Rahul said...

Hey I had like a free premium VPN service and I am also following you,thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi, please count me in too.


Anonymous said...

Me tooo.

Thanks & Regards

vpnuserguy said...

Has anyone won the free account? I'm looking for a free account from Pro VPN because I asked and they don't offer free accounts. Pro VPN Accounts says they do not offer a trial because they don't want SPAM/hackers to abuse the network :(

Recon said...

@vpnuserguy this are fully payed accounts we got sponsored from the VPN Providers for this contest which is over since 07. February 2011.

Find here our publication of the winners:


izkof said...

is this for real, anyone already got one?
i hope i can get a free account

Recon said...


Deb said...

I want it too..thanks in advance.

Nathaniell Brenes said...

I'm in China and Hidemyass is blocked now - same iwth Witopia, just for anyone in China who's reading this post.

Admin said...


For all readers in China.

Please write a support ticket by your VPN Provider if its blocked. The most VPN's who care about them customers have for this cases special 'extra' Gateways. Also read emails form VPN providers. By two at least I know thats: VPN Reactor, TUVPN did setup recently more Gateways and send per email only the access to this Gateways to the users out.

Takyo101 said...

hello..im from philippines and i really want to avail it also..thanks in advance and God Bless

Vsjain7 said...

 I want to win this . my email is vsjain7@gmail.com

Farzad Vafaey said...

Thanks For Your Services , This Page Helped Me Very Good .

Kane William said...

i am using Hotspot Shield online free VPN. It also protects my identity from snoopers by hiding my IP. ( http://www.anchorfree.com/ )

Candy said...

Thank you for sharing buyincoins. Your post worth of reading. Waiting for new posts.

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