05 June 2011

eMule 0.50a ZZUL TRA TL 0.3c

//next versions, due to hideOS and ICS in ZZUl TRA 2.1 can't be merged with ZZUL TRA 2.1 :i'mcrying: , so i must raise my skill to import useful features from ZZUL TRA next version and other mods.

+ small punishment for "downloader only" by CA (foster client rotation)
+ small fix PBF checks
+ balancing upload slots between lowID and HighID
+ No PS for not correctly identified users (like PBF)
+ noHighPriorityCheck (use a lot of cpu, when is not needed at all, after 50 minutes (with slots @ 3kb/s) all PBF clients can join)


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ed2k download SRC


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