16 June 2011

Hitman Pro 3 review and contest - Win a license

Hitman Pro 3 - Second Opinion Malware Scanner.

Hitman Pro 3 scans your PC of suspicious Virus threats and uploads the files found by scanning to Scan Cloud. The files will be online scanned with 5 (6) engines.

In Version Hitman Pro 3.5 that's:
Ikarus, Dr. Web, Emisoft, Prevx and G-Data (includes Avast and BitDefender).

We went deep in the underground in VX forums and others where new Viris get created and collected a few samples. Sure you can for testing purpose search on malwaredomainlist.com but there might be almost all Antivirus researchers and add in realtime new viri, tojans,... to the AV Products signature database updates already.

If you have a good AV installed there will be not much left to test it.
In real environment, searching on P2P networks such as eMule search brings as well some new samples to the daylight where your AV may fail to protect you from real threats.

On the test PC is Norton AV installed (the false positive detection by Norton is much higher as by Bitdefender) which did clean most of the samples but a few where left. Here comes Hitman Pro and detect the remaining viruses downloaded on the PC.

To produce False Positive its enough to cheat most AV's by using executable packers where the AV's can not unpack the compressed binaries to scan inside and list all files packed with it as virus. To name it, pack files with XComp/Xpack, nsPack, RL!Pack, FSG, kkrunchy,... By these and more executable packers compressed files, especially if you change 2 or 3 bytes in the PE header, all AV's give up and show you a Virus (false positive) unless you unpack the files manually (OllyDbg or alike).

Hitman Pro alert if a Authenticode digital signatures by a file is invalid and modified (Patched files).
By default if no Virus string is detected you see the option to 'ignore' in the results.

For more info how Hitman Pro work visit: http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro

Hitman Pro 3 is a must have addition to your protection to scan and remove malware.

You can download Hitman Pro as 32bit and 64bit version and test free from: http://www.surfright.nl/en/downloads/

Who want to test the latest Beta find the download here:
32-bit: http://dl.surfright.nl/HitmanPro35beta.exe
64-bit: http://dl.surfright.nl/HitmanPro35beta_x64.exe

Hitman Pro 3.5 Build 124 will be soon released.

10 license keys for Hitman Pro (1 year) are available for our readers.
Download and install Hitman Pro, post a screenshot with the scan result window and share this article with your friends.
From all comments we draw random 10 winners on 26. June 2011


Tomas31973 said...

Hitman Pro is an excellent scanner in the cloud. For this 5 scanners, 3 scan modes. Is ideal as a supplement to protect our computer. Please count me:)http://twitter.com/#!/KAMYK38/status/81346913034702848

Kamkolsky said...

Thanks for this great websites. Hitman Pro is an excellent security software. Please count me in.

walang_sangit said...

another great giveaway from my favorite site, I was really surprised with the speed and accuracy of the results of scans on my laptop, I wish I could get lucky to get one license key for this software, it's extraordinaryhttp://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=217628341593229&id=100001095380355 

Mam sraczkę said...

Thanks for great contest , hope i win :D

malkhaz said...

Thank you, my friend for such an outstanding program. Really very great antivirus scanner on demand.

Wab2 said...

Właśnie okres testowania dobiegł końca.

Wb62 said...

Bardzo dobry program

Jam JEST said...

Opportunity. I am writing to the program that he is good. Count me please. Thanks and regards.

olobambolo said...

Hi. Hitman Pro is the best on demand scanner. I would love to win it!
Thanks for the contest Leecher Mods:)

Vaibhav Srivastava said...

nice giveaway you are offering this time my friend.. I shared about this giveaway and also tweeted about it in my FB and twitter account...


Please dont count me for this giveaway... Best of luck to all the participants...

Siddharth said...

Thanks for the Giveaway.Please count me in.Hitman pro is really helpful for us as we cam check any suspicious file with Multiple Av engine offered by Hitman Pro.



Ibrahim said...

Thanks for the contest! count me in! I've been using for a month and given me good results, it would be great to get a license for 1 year.   http://twitter.com/#!/Ibrahim_Leeker/status/81431306017320960

vhick said...

I try this beta of Hitman Pro, after download, I launch the software, set some option and begin the scan. I must say that I really fast and portable. It takes it 3 mins. in my 3 internal HDD. In the time of post, the process didn't finished because of my very slow internet connection. All in all, I really like it! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! http://www.facebook.com/vic.limbo/posts/224240327595178http://twitter.com/#!/vj_onix/status/81436207774580736

Tangobox32 said...

Thanks for sharing this great giveaway. Please count me in. Great software. Good scanning results.

Thanks & Regards

Dav53000 said...

Great Application would love to get a licence so you can count me in.

xu_n said...

A great scanner on demand, I would like to have one for my desktop PC, Plz include me

Indranil said...

Thank you for the very nice giveaway. I'm using it over a year. Free version is enough :D. Pro version not activated yet. The best cloud antimalware enhanced with 5 Engines. Very much light on memory, scans files blazing fast. Please count me in for the nice giveaway. Here are my shares. Also re tweeted in twitter ;).

Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/i.indranil/posts/214949465212020

Twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/dudeindranil/status/81538968675561472

Suresh said...

Thanks for contest.
Count me in....!

Mark said...

I been using Hitman Pro basic for years now and since then it didn't let me down in disinfecting computers & have also recommended it with my fellow techies as well.. but since i am using only the basic version..im in pain of constant reminders of upgrading it a registered version.. and now I thanks for this chance! I would love to a license for this!

Shared on tweeter:

Shared on facebook:

162245915 said...

I am a software security enthusiasts from China
Hope for your help, thank you

MR Li said...

I like the software,and I need it,thank you.

Vaibhav Srivastava said...

Screenshot is missing.

Jerzy601 said...

proszemnie liczyc na ten program czytalem o tym programie ze jest wspanialy chcialbym go miec i wyprubowac jego zalety.

abath6 said...


Thanks, very good software....

Dupa blada said...

Thanks for the contest! A great scanner on demand. I would love to win it!

Admin said...

Welcome on Leechermods.com. 
Can you on http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-1008484-2-1.html where I found a link back, tell them everybody is welcome to join the contest. Many say, no hope. Why no hope? The contest is open to everybody!
Thank you!!!

Alex said...

Nice giveaway. Please count me in.



Mounir said...

Very nice giveaway. Thank you.

my_immortalize said...

Count me in please...

Prakash Pathak said...

Always waiting for a  Hitman pro  giveaway ,its  a very light weight and based on cloud computing .


Nathan said...

I'm using HMP as on-demand scanner for detection [wish I had a full license to be able to remove infections] - it's hard to look past the power of the top-notch multiple AV engines, lightweight and blindingly fast. I'd like to participate in this excellent giveaway,
 thank you for the opportunity and good luck to all participating.

Shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122665871150841&id=100001700526402

Nathan said...

P.S. Re-attaching image of the scanner results. 

ayhan said...

Great giveaway

berni42 said...

Great program. I want to win :)


Naits said...

I’d like to participate this giveaway.
Thank you.


amazingAG said...

Chris please DON'T count me for this giveaway as i am using Zemana AntiMalware. Thanks and good luck to others. 

Jay said...

Very good program! Thanks for the giveaway!

Grr said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

I have liked you on FB :

Follow you on twitter:

Shared on twitter:

and am already an email-verified subscriber.

Please count me in this giveaway.

Screenshot is attached here.

Thanks, Grr

Jerzy601 said...


Kornel said...

Hello Hitman Pro 3 is very great

Joe Novack said...

Hitman Pro 3 is the ideal program to use when you suspect your computer has a virus, but your antivirus comes up with nothing. Count me in, Thanks!Share:

Henry said...

Thanks for this giveaway. Hitman Pro is an excellent security product. Using cloud technology and multiple well known scanning engine, it has kept computer users, such as myself at ease from virus', malware, spyware, etc. Other then using multiple well-known scanning engines, it's scanning capabilities is relatively fast. I hope I win a Hitman Pro license, it's a great program

SafeCN said...



Thanks for the giveaway!

Nevosz said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

I have liked you on FB :https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=154170307989566&id=100000235536002

Nevosz said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

I have liked you on FB :https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=162768027123223&id=100000235536002

Numpayak said...

Wow... it is time for fun. good security program with good detection possibilities. I want to thank you Hitman Pro company for such a generous giveaway. http://th-th.facebook.com/people/Numpayak-Payak/100001227406480PS. Want to be safe online, Use this program.

allin77 said...

I'm using the unregistered version, as additional protection for your computer. Good program. Thanks!

I could not add a screenshot :(

Wab2 said...

Może się uda wygrać licencję.

葛文卿 said...

how to get it?

richard said...

Hello, love hitman pro, I have shared the article thanks


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