27 June 2011

UPX 3.08 x64 for Windows and 32bit binaries

A 64 bit executable of UPX in Version 3.08 Dev have been released next to a traditional 32bit version.

Homepage and program description

If you are not so familiar with command line parameter tools, there exists a great GUI which supports almost all switches and parameters from UPX: Free UPX 1.4
Support for the 64bit version can be implement if you replace the upx.exe in Free_UPX folder with the 64bit one.

Compressing 64 bit windows executables is not supported yet. It will show an error message "can't pack new-exe."

Dev Log
Summary log

Downloads UPX 3.08 Dev:

x86: upx308w-dev.zip
x64: upx308w-x64-dev.zip


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