BitTorrent 6.0 Build 3904 Beta

• Lightweight client
• Local peer discovery
• Multiple simultaneous downloads
• Configurable bandwidth scheduler
• Global and per-torrent speed limiting
• Quick-resumes for interrupted transfers
• RSS Downloader
• Trackerless support (Mainline DHT)
• You'll also notice the Beta version comes with BitTorrent DNA, which stands for Delivery Network Accelerator.
Installer: BitTorrent-6.0-Beta3904.exe (824.59 KB)
No installer w/o DNA (PeCompact compressed): bittorrent.exe (569.3 KB)
No installer w/o DNA (UPX compressed): bittorrent-upx.exe (566 KB)
No installer w/o DNA (uncompressed): uncompressed.exe (1.21 MB)
German Language File: bittorrent.exe.lang.txt | Download (save as bittorrent.exe.lang.txt) | Mirrors
Copy the file 'bittorrent.exe.lang.txt' to your Program Folder (C:\Program Files\BitTorrent)
Kopiere die Sprachdatei 'bittorrent.exe.lang.txt' zum Verzeichniss 'Programme\BitTorrent\' (C:\Programme\BitTorrent)
Latest uTorrent:
The easiest way if you want disable multicast and other connections out and incomming, use cFosSpeed
edit with Notepad settings.ini
;; drop packets to or from reserved address?
;filter=-fw -wan -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop
;; drop packets to or from broadcast address
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -wan -d -c drop
;; drop packets to or from multicast addresses?
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop
; egress filtering
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, might break ip mobility support.
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx !-s-mynet -c drop
; don't check dest ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic to router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx -d-mynet -c drop
; ingress filtering, allow incoming multicast
filter=-fw !-bridged -rx !-d-mynet !-d -c drop
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic from router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -rx -s-mynet -c drop
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