13 August 2007

Fire Uploader - Upload Files to Your Favorite Sites

Fire Uploader, also called Firefox Universal Uploader is a Firefox extension that lets you upload files from your local computer to the most popular image/video/document sharing sites like Box.net, Flickr, Picasa and YouTube. You can upload videos to YouTube, upload/download/organize photos to Picasa, Flickr and Box.net.

Fire Uploader provides you a friendly interface for uploading files. You can easily upload files via drag and drop or through an FTP-like interface. During file upload, it shows a progress bar and table, so that you know how much time is left before the upload is complete.


Fire Uploader features:

  • It shows the local folders and remote folders which enables you to upload files by single click.
  • You can upload any number of files at a time.
  • You can upload files to multiple websites using a single interface (using only one extension).
  • Ability to add multiple accounts and upload files to each account independently.

You can download the latest version of Fire Uploader from fireuploader.com or Mozilla site. Fire Uploader supports YouTube, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums, Webshots, Box.net and Omnidrive, Facebook.


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