eMule v0.48a VeryCD Build 070822beta

Homepage: http://www.emule.org.cn/download/
Support Bord: eMule Beta测试小组
Original in Chinese Language
eMule v0.48a Build 070822beta[2007-08-22]
eMule v0.48a Build 070822beta[2007-08-22]
* Optimization Kad network, and enhance access to download the source efficiency, improve download speeds
* Search filter optimization algorithm
* Improved mapping algorithm UPNP
* Improved Automatic Update
* Resolve Bug: browser script debugging information pages pop
* Part of the solution network Deadlock
* The collapse of several settlement procedures, in order to improve stability
* Under the settlement Vista install the update configuration file errors
Download Installer Version (7zip Installerpack): VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build070822 Beta(ed2k链接)
Mirrors are by: http://www.anxz.com/down/76.html
Installer comes with Google Toolbar Installer, cool wordfilter.txt include!!! :-p)
BIN only: eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070822Beta-BIN.rar (2.47 MB) | Mirror1 | Mirror2 | Mirror3 | DDL
($COMMONFILES\$PLUGINSDIR - Google Toolbar ripped, Thumbs.db)
SRC (Source) as usually in them Forum VeryCD (emule.org.cn) Beta section. The Mod is gem. GNU GPL.
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