14 August 2007

emule forums leech catch snapshots

eMule 0.48a XdP v0.9 by umek


remove Ratio
add kick & ban
change Queuesize
change Filebuffersize
add Max search results
add Upmanagment
add Emulate other
add Client Percentage
add Up4Up
change Reaskzeiten
add findbestsources
add unendliche friendslots
add Xmans Friendhandling

add Reask source manual
add Upload Colors
add TotalUp/Down [XRay]
add Anti Shape [netfinity]
add Source Cache [Xman]
change Reaskzeiten optimiert

some fixes

add Share Options [Dazzle]
add Download in Color
add Remote Queue Status
change Queuesize up 100-10000
add Drop Single Client [LSD/KTS]
add new Toolbar
remove Source Cache

add UDPreasksecuritycheck (netfinity)
add Fakealyzer (netfinity)
add QrDIFF (X-Ray)
add DynamicBlockRequest (netfinity/Xman)
add see all sources (Xman)
add Better passive Source finding (Xman)
add Own Credits (X-Ray)
add Modname
add Extendedprotokolcheck (Sirob)
add ModID (Slugfiller)
add Fakerank (Nightsky10)
add Checkbox for Fakerank
add Logline for Fakerank
add Checkbox for Up4Up
add Download in bold
add Ban Spammer
add Sourcesaver(SLS) (Xman)
fix Disable/Enable Clientlist/Queuelist (Xman)
fix for Corrupt Preferenceskad.dat (netfinity)
changed Splashscreen
changed Prefssite
changed Icons Toolbar (Xman)
changed Upmanagement
remove Webinterface

add AntiNickthief (Wizard)
add Checkbox for Antinickthief
add Anti-XS-Exploiter (Xman)
add Checkbox for Anti-XS-Exploiter
add LeecherSecure (Spike2)
add Checkbox for Leechersecure
add Checkbox for Clientbantime
add Checkbox for Log Banevents
add New Emulations Code for non-Emule clients
add Checkbox for Emulate non-Emule clients
add Checkbox for Log Emulations
add Dropsystem (X-Ray/Sivka)
add New Prefssite for Dropsystem
add Log Drops
add Dropimmunity (Stulle)
add Upkick to QR
add Checkbox for Upkick
add Log UpKick
add QReta (Slugfiller)
add Correct AppIcons (JVA)
add EnhancedClientRecognization (Spike2)
add Safe Kad (netfinity)
add KAD Speed Optimation [netfinity]
add CorruptionBlackbox Fix (Xanatos)
add Fix for Offi Bug when checking for empty Userhash
fixed Bug in Software Column
changed XDP-Prefssite 1
changed/Optimize Reasktimes
change/Optimize ClientcleanUptime
changed/remove some Banstrings from Leechersecure
removed some Dazzlefeautures
removed unused Offi Code in Uploadqueue

add complete new Prefsite with TreeControls
add complete new Upmanagement with better filtering
of clients and editable max Qr. for Upqueue
add UpNP from Xtreme Mod
add new Splashscreen
add Only up to eMule with switch
add Slotcontrol
add Winsock2
add XdP-Stats in Statistics
add Obfuscation Fix (Wizard)
add safe Cpu (Wizard)
add Don't kill source if it's the only one complet source (Sirob)
add Don't kill client if we are the only one complet source (Sirob)
add many Fixes/Optimizations/Improvements from (Wizard,Xman,Xanatos,Stulle,umek)
changed and optimize opcodes
updated Leechersecure
updated Spammer Ban
removed SafeKad
removed Kad Speed Optimization
removed official UpNp
removed old Prefsite
removed old Upmanagement
Changelog( v0.8 )

add new XDP-Mod Stats
add new extended Slotcontrol (Spe64/pP)
add Slotfocus
add Quickstart (Stulle)
add DownloadAuto-Priority
add many Codefixes/Optimized
fixed Bug in Uploadlistctrl
fixed Bug in UpNp
fixed other little things
changed TreeControl (added expand)
changed UpKick

Changelog (v0.9)

add new Dropsystem (pP)
add Log Drops (On/Off)
add Groups in Bold ( @ Treecontrol)
add DL UL Priority Extension (Slugfiller)
add/readded Source Cache (Xman)
add Fix Connection Colllosion (Morph)
add Optimizations/Fixes @ UDPsocket & ClientUdpSocket (TK4)
add Optimizations @ Partfile
add Fix Filtered Block Request (Xman)
add Quickstart after Ip change (Stulle)
add Reask after Ip change (Xman)
add Inform clients after Ip change (Stulle)
changed all Reasktimes
changed/removed unused/buggy codeparts
changed/fixed send Filelist to server (now under Share Level)
removed Anti-XS-Xploiter
removed old Dropsystem
removed AutoDropImmunity
removed old Prefssite 2
removed OWNPrefs
little Bugfixes in codes

please make a Clean Install

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DCStealthy R4.1 - Updated Download Link

the new package contains the exe with the PDB file + the beginner's guide.


P.S. You may share the link with your friends. Remember! You must be a registered member to be able to use Stealthy.

when Data become Instructions...
Depeche mode
Entry-Level Noob
Site Admin

No new posts eMule AeOnFlux 0.7
0 svk 11 August 11 2007, 7:51 AM
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No new posts eMule 0.48a XdP v0.9
0 svk 9 August 11 2007, 6:59 AM
svk View latest post
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5 DarKnight 152 July 28 2007, 11:04 AM
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No new posts eMule 0.48a Silver Surfer 2.3
0 DarKnight 29 June 24 2007, 5:50 AM
DarKnight View latest post
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0 hitmanllll 44 June 22 2007, 12:44 PM
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4 DarKnight 111 June 19 2007, 15:35 PM
zenon View latest post
No new posts eMule v0.47c Licokine Edition 2
12 svk 279 April 08 2007, 16:44 PM
Monoma View latest post
No new posts How to improve maximun current half connection on emule
2 caspita 96 March 15 2007, 12:57 PM
caspita View latest post
No new posts [ Poll ] Fastest eMule
6 jayzef 452 March 12 2007, 6:38 AM
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2 ignazio 160 February 13 2007, 3:32 AM
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eMule 0.48a Silver Surfer 2.3 based on eMule 0.48a eMuleFuture 0.5 modified by dlarge


# - merged to eMule 0.48a eMuleFuture 0.5
# - added Argos Anti Leecher System (Xanatos)
# - added Compat Client Stats (Stulle)
# - added Virus Scanner (BlueSonicBoy)
# - added Workaround for Uploadclients (thanks to JvA)
# - added Official Bug when dis/enabling Queuelist/Clientslist (Xman)
# - added Official Bug when checking for empty userhash (ilmira)
# - added Code Fix for Disable Known File List (Xman)
# - added CorruptionsBlackBox Fix (Xanatos)
# - added Fix Obfucated server only connect on first startup, Always send cryptping. (MorphXT)
# - added Static Tray Icon (Stulle)
# - added Completed in Tray (MorphXT)
# - added Switch for :auto: SharedFilesUpdater
# - added own antileech.dll (removed very old Mods & added new hard Leecher Mods)
# - changed Colour in Prefs for Download Meter in Tray Icon (see better under Vista Style)
# - readded Features from EMF Mod (PowerShare,Session Ratio,MultiFU)
# - readded SafeHash
# - readded Smart Category Control (SCC)
# - updated Design Settings to v2 [Stulle/MaxUpload]
# - updated manuell Dropping and put "Dont Ask This IPs" after Drop for No GPL Violations (dlarge)
# - updatet Source Cache (Xman)
# - fixed Small Bug in SharedfileWindow (dlarge)
# - removed Client Analyzer
# - removed Redesigned SharedFilesWindow (for Design Settings)


Forum Moderator & Leecher
eMule v0.47c Licokine Edition 2
modded by NicoXxy

Based on Viper 6.2

Add: No upload on/off (Miles)
Add: No share file list in share window (Miles)
Add: No share file list to server (Miles)
Add: Fake Rank
Add: Server Rotation 1h on/off (NicoXxy,Acidburn)
Add: Force Upload Slot
Add: No ratio
If upload activated, upload kick --> 1.2Mo
Fixed: Some bugs

Download (Mirror)

eMule AeOnFlux 0.7
Mod By B4n$h33

AeOnFlux mod Based on Xtreme-SE 6.0

----------------AeOnFlux mod total changelog---------------------------------------------------

fix dynamic block request
fix limit download & upload (up limit 2K)
fix total upload download
fix uploadslot
change default nick user
change file bufer size 31mb (7.5mb in default)
change icons
change preference limit values sources
change Queue Size
change reask time
change sidebar
change splash screen
change variable compression
remove ratio
add+ auto file reask secure
add+ autoKick >3mb or >30 minutes
add+ Ban4Ban
add+ download in color (dark blue)
add+ extended uploadmanagement
add+ fakerank
add+ manual reask secure & drop & ban (dowload list)
add+ manual reask for download & Ban (queuelist list)
add+ manual reask for download & Kick & Ban (upload list)
add+ max Queuerank in DL 4000
add+ new modstring
add+ Show downloadrate (in color blue in queuelist list)
add+ Show RQR/Speed (queuelist list)
add+ upload in color
add+ Upload only to eMule Clients
add+ Upload4Upload (in color blue)
add+ uploadmanagement
add+ unlimit serach


----------------AeOnFlux 0.7---------------------------------------------------

fix dynamic block request
fix total upload download
fix uploadmanagement
add+ autokick >3mb or >30 minutes
add+ fakerank
add+ Show downloadrate (in color blue in queuelist list)
add+ Show RQR/Speed (queuelist list)
remove- fakerank undetected

----------------AeOnFlux 0.6---------------------------------------------------

fix limit download & upload (up limit 2K)
change file bufer size 31mb (7.5mb in default)
change preference limit values sources
change Queue Size
change variable compression
remove- autoKick variable
remove- fakerank
add+ auto file reask secure
add+ autokick >3mb
add+ extended uploadmanagement
add+ fakerank undetected
add+ manual reask secure & drop & ban (dowload list)
add+ manual reask for download & ban (queuelist list)
add+ manual reask for download & Kick & Ban (upload list)
add+ max Queuerank in DL 4000
add+ upload in color
add+ Upload only to eMule Clients
add+ Upload4Upload (in color blue)
add+ uploadmanagement

----------------AeOnFlux 0.5---------------------------------------------------

fix uploadslot
remove ratio

----------------AeOnFlux 0.4---------------------------------------------------

change reask time
add+ download in color (dark blue)
add+ manual reask secure & ban (dowload list)
add+ manual Kick & Ban (upload list)

----------------AeOnFlux 0.3---------------------------------------------------

change default nick user
change icons
change sidebar
change splash screen

----------------AeOnFlux 0.2---------------------------------------------------

add+ fakerank
add+ autokick variable
remove- autoKick 1.5mb

----------------AeOnFlux 0.1---------------------------------------------------

add+ new modstring
add+ Ban4Ban
add+ autoKick 1.5mb
add+ Upload4Upload
add+ unlimit serach


Download AeOnFlux 0.7
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