07 August 2008

eMule 0.49B Upload Limit Patch For 56K Modem By Wyx

Emule 0.49B Upload Limit Patch For 56K Modem By Wyx

For 56 Kb modem by RTB (basic telephone network) or less.

Instead of 6 Kb / s downlink and 2 Kb / s upload, gets a 6 ducking and 1 climb. It earns 1 Kb / s downlink, to liberate 1 climb. This serves to connections that have the ascent and descent by the same thread as the PSTN.

It makes no sense to put this patch in another type of Internet connections that are higher than 56Kb modem, such as ADSL, cable, etc.. As they have several threads to drop and many others to rise. By putting patch not win letdown. In addition to upload less, earn less credits and give you back less.

eMule 0.49b

94DAA: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A the next movzx eax, di (after ret)
3D00100000 CMP EAX, 00001000
56 push ESI
57 push EDI
668B3D00EC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077EC00]
JNB XX 7310
3D00280000 CMP EAX, 00002800
JNB XX 7333
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 Mul ecx

1615F5: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00
eMule 0.49a

95FCA: 3D001000005657668B3Dxxxxxxxx73xx3D0028000073xxB903000000F7E1
EB3A the next movzx eax, di (after ret)
3D00100000 CMP EAX, 00001000
56 push ESI
57 push EDI
668B3D00EC7700 mov di, word ptr [0077EC00]
JNB XX 7310
3D00280000 CMP EAX, 00002800
JNB XX 7333
B903000000 mov ecx, 00000003
F7E1 Mul ecx

15D845: 75xx8B1Dxxxxxxxx6A006A00

Download: Hack for eMule 0.49b exe - DDL

News Source: ed2k network search index


Anonymous said...

Doing generic search replace
Pos 1:
Search for:
3D 00 10 00 00 56 57 66 8B 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 73 ?? 3D 00 28 00 00 73 ?? B9 03 00 00 00 F7 E1

= 73 10 3D 00 28 00 00 73

Replace pattern:
EB 3A ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Search for:
75 ?? 8B 1D ?? ?? ?? ?? 6A 00 6A 00

= 75 71 8B 1D 7C 57 7B 00

Replace Pattern:
E9 42 01 00 00 90 90 90


Anonymous said...

Generic =

Search Pattern:
3D 00 10 00 00 56 57 66 8B 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 73 ?? 3D 00 28 00 00 73 ?? B9 03 00 00 00 F7 E1

Replace Pattern:
3D 00 10 00 00 56 57 66 8B 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 3A ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

(1 Match only)

75 ?? 8B 1D ?? ?? ?? ?? 6A 00 6A 00

E9 42 01 00 00 90 90 90 ?? ?? ?? ??

(1 Match only)

All emule v.

Anonymous said...

Tested with shadowmule and many more...

Here Generic eMule Ratio Remover
for emule and mods v0.49a, b and earlier
(Most mods are supported!)


If it's enforced ratio, you need manual patching!

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