25 August 2008

FlashGet-Mini Deutsch (German)

FlashGet-Mini Deutsche Sprach Datei (German Language File):
Language-eng.xml 28.11 KB - Mirror - DDL1 - DDL2
Rename Language-deu.xml to Language-eng.xml and copy to FlashGet Mini Folder
Umbenennen der Datei Language-deu.xml zu Language-eng.xml und in das FlashGet Verzeichnis kopieren

Download FlashGet-Mini 1.97 MB Instructions English and Installer click here

v1.2.0.1039 (1.2) 2008-08-20
Add: Add a mini-Express support for exploration in the website of the Flash and streaming media files displayed on the icon to download function.
Add: Add the automatic update feature.
Add: FireFox add a link to download all the functions.
Added: "Download all links" inside the link selection dialog, add the left side of the High filtering options to facilitate users to quickly use this feature.
Add: Add the suspension can set the display window of the maximum speed of the function.
Add: Right-download menu, add the "tasks and documents to delete" function.
Add: Add a table-style window suspension.
Repair: Repair of the 1.1 version of the Mini Express and the 1.0 version of the BHO not compatible with the problem.
Repair: Baidu mp3 download time, if the Notes are behind. "" When, through the naming of the Notes will be removed from these points, user-friendly to rename. Thank Zhao strong.
Repair: Repair in Vista under the options panel inside "BT set up" the "home" does not appear integrity problems.
Change: When BHO made for the Notes unknown, the name used by the Notes, the Notes will be overlooked. This feature will be useful on some sites, for Zhao strong.
Change: Edit the download link in the name of the mandate to 16-band data that, it may be interpreted as garbled problem.
Change: Edit prompted a dialogue box, the title character does not show the full problem.
Change: Edit the FireFox download in less than a single link from the issue of the Notes.
Change: Edit the main panel hidden, if the suspension is in the main window pane was the location, but also has the following tasks, the mouse will appear at the time tooltip issue.
Change: Edit the Download link at all, the name and the link does not match the problem.
Fixed: that in the vista below can not drag the link to the issue of suspension window.
Change: Edit the server in a number of issues, the server told the client, the need to upgrade version, not-so many times the information, and will not override the other information.
Change: Edit the file name contains a torrent unicde code, the problem can not be resolved.
Change: Edit the mini-sometimes not withdraw from the bug.
Change: Edit the mini at the start, P2P DNS checks could lead to mini-card dead bug.
Change: Edit the mini-operating systems in English the task bar question marks bug.

Download Build FlashGet-Mini v1.2.0.1039


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