26 August 2008

eMule 0.49b ZZ-R V1.3 beta 2

eMule 0.49b ZZ-R V1.3 beta 2eMule v0.49b [ZZ-R V1.3]

eMule 0.49b ZZ-R V1.3 beta 2 by morph4u


ZZ-R V1.3 beta 2 (eMule 0.49b)

+ Neo Treestyle
+ Shared Parts
+ Part Import/Export
+ Fixed crash in beta test
+ Fixed Dont ban Friends/Community/Releaser/Powershare
+ Updated see own credits in clientdetail window
+ Updated Find Best Sources
+ Updated Enhanced Client Recognization
+ Updated Connection Collision - maybe not really needed in 49b
+ Better Passive Source Finding
+ Download chunk display
+ Kick/Add to IpFilter.dat
+ Updated MiniUPnP code
+ Antileech.dll - Version 4
+ Changed several code parts around Argos code

- Removed multi creditsystem

!!! cleaninstall important !!!

ZZ-R is developed by morph4u, 2bc, mL

Homepage Info: http://www.hightime.info.ms

Download: emule.0.49b.zz_r.v1.3.beta2._ex.zzultimativ-r.rar 3.69 MB - DDL - DDL


Anonymous said...

so far the beta 1 has been good to me, the new antileech system is detecting applejuice users and other leechers left and right,.

Anonymous said...

My Upload Window is full with
Applejuice Mod's.And she gives
not back...
This Beta is no good...

Anonymous said...

IP ban: ( -

Anonymous said...

Brazil , Netherlands , China all sharing good . German speaking counties and many Europeans + Israel - most not do sharing . Result the ip filter ban ...

Anonymous said...

Sehr Geiler mod, kann man nur empfehlen, mit sehr viele spielerein und guten speed...

Anonymous said...

* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* 10 mb/s + only *
* 100 mb/s / ... *
* No U.S or E.U. RE$eLLeR Acc. *
* C0NT@CT: cMail4#gMail.com *

Anonymous said...

Mod geht doch gut, hab keine Apples ohne upload in der Liste. Vielleicht hasst du ihn nicht richtig eingestellt.
Das Teil is der Hammer


Anonymous said...

Started using this mod since a week or so.

There have been a few crashes. Got a popup screen saying that the mod has crashed (but it's still running) and that a dmp file has been created.
Clicking the popup away causes an immediate shutdown of the mod.
After restarting it it's running again but it lost some settings...

Here are the dumpfiles:

By the way, found a bug.
When I click on "kick / add to ipfilter", to someone in the upload, everyone get's kicked out of the upload...

O, and before I forget.
When presharing stuff to a fellow releaser I get this statusmessage a lot in the upload: "stalled, waiting for blockrequest", if I translated that correctly.
(In Dutch: geblokkeerd, wachtend op blokaanvraag)

Recon said...

same here "stalled, waiting for blockrequest"

shows up very often

what does it mean?

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