02 August 2008

eMule v0.49b ZZUL 20080801-2355

eMule 0.49b ZZUL 20080801-2355

eMule 0.49b ZZUL 20080801-2355
Based on eMule 0.49b

Mod features: http://www.emule-mods.de/?mods=zzul&show=details

Default for ISDN, DSL and up:
eMule_0.49b_ZZUL_20080801-2355.zip 2.25 MB
eMule_0.49b_ZZUL_20080801-2355_source.zip 644.26 KB

For slow connections:
Ratio min. 3kb Upload Speed requirements to min. 1kb/s limit. Optimized for 44kb/s - 56k Modem, Mobile Phone Internet (GPRS,..) Notebook etc.. user ONLY!
For user highspeed, 1kb/s up limit wont bring any credits! Even less you upload even less emule credits you get.
eMule_0.49b_ZZUL_20080801-2355-noratio.7z 1.58 MB - DDL Mirror


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