22 September 2008

eMule 0.49b AcKroNiC 5.0 Final

eMule 0.49b AcKroNiC 5.0 by Taz
eMule v0.49b AcKroNiC v5.0

"After long awaiting for reviving Italy's pride - we're happy to present an updated version of AcKroNiC mod. This new version is based on latest official (0.49b), while preserving most of former AcKroNiC versions features and options.
Special care was given for preserving AcKroNiC reputation by detailed testing of very long serious of betas. We hope the new version will meet your expectations and will carry on the glory tradition of beloved mod..."
Announcement source

AcKroNiC 5.0 - 18/9/08

fix : version check - for allowing realease updates (taz)
add : detect and optional ban from MorphXT 11.1 for :
Vagaa (zz_fly),
Bad Shareaza(zz_fly),
Community & Corrupt hash (zz_fly/squallATF)
change : default AJ ban disabled
add : ICS optimization (taz)
add : More info about corrupted .met/.part file from AcKroNiC 4.3 (Mulo da Soma/Aenarion[ITA])

AcKroNiC 5.0 RC 2 - 15/09/08

add : Check already downloaded files from ScarAngel v3.0 (MoNKi)
fix : minor bug (RTL option)when selecting Hebrew lang with Apply (taz)
update : ConChecker from eMuleFuture v0.7 (taz)
remove : Maella's smart lowid fix
fix : minor glitch of version number at stats (taz)
fix : reworked version check (taz)

AcKroNiC 5.0 RC 1 - 08/09/08

add : powershared bold on upload list (taz)
add : fakeanalyzer from WARP (netfinity)
change : larger splash jpeg (taz)
add : Quick Start from Neo_Mule v4.55 (taz/Aenarion[ITA]/Xanatos)
add : family filter from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : trash filter from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : lowid notifier from AcKroNIC v4.3 (Aenarion[ITA])
add : invisible mode from AcKroNIC v4.3 (eF-Mod / WiZaRd)
fix : mess on transfer window splitter (moloko+)
change : ASFv2 options shifted to AcKroNiC III
change : Slot Control options via number of slots slider at AcKroNiC II (taz/Aenarion[ITA])
change : SRCs drop menu localized (taz)
updated : filters text and padding with blanks (Mulo da Soma)

AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 6 Build 1 - 27/08/08

fix miss of url links on mod (AcKroNiC) options II page (missed on merges)

AcKroNiC 5.0 Beta 6 - 26/08/08

add optional ban AJ community hash (taz)
add detect AJ community hash (pP / Xman - from DLP)
code cleaning
merge to 0.49b


BIN eMule0.49b-AcKroNiC_v5.0-BIN.rar 6.19 MB
ed2k: ed2k://fileeMule0.49b_AcKroNiC_v5.0_20.09.08_bin.rar649408812C56C32F50CC4E2DD2672DECC766EF1/
*Not a Leecher Mod*
