03 September 2008

eMule 0.49b Onyxmule (hebMule2) v1.3 Alpha3 by Avi3k

eMule 0.49b Onyxmule (hebMule2) v1.3 Alpha3
eMule v0.49b hebMule-Onyx v1.3

v1.3 Alpha3 test-release
this is a second alpha version, it seems stable enough so i've decided
to update the thread, though i suggest you backup you config folder before using this...
you can download it from here:
(Source: http://hebmule.sf.net/files/onyx1.3src.7z )
this version includes a nice new feature for known files in the shared window &
also support for new skins options integrated with the new Skinner
*** this version is meant for testing! 10x

updated png library to version 1.2.29
update crypto++ library to version 5.5.2
added new Known Files View: (tagged: "Avi3k: Known View")
added option to view all known files in the shared files window
added option to rename files or delete them from the known file list
* options like display filtering, searching, etc... from official eMule are also available
improved and fixed possible bug in minimule's transparency code (should work now correctly)
improved Fakes Check memory usage
includes changes to CSimpleTag string handling code
fixed a bug in ExtendView for shared files and friends when resizing the window (thanx to JvA for the tip)
added italian translations for Onyx (thanx to white lightning)
fixed the text display in hebMule's prefs pages (thanx to Stulle for the tip)
added several improvements and fixes to the official code
updated hebMule's icon
added missing GPL comments in hebMule's code files

"hebMule2" now has a new codename:
OnyxMule from the word Onyx, meaning double.
i hope you like it, so enjoy

hebMule-Onyx v1.3 Homepage visit hebMule's site at http://hebmule.sf.net/

Download Bin: eMule0.49b_hebmule-onyx_v1.3alpha3_07.08.08_.7z 1.73 MB

eMule0.49a_hebmule-onyx1.3-alpha_09.07.08_bin.7z 1.62 MB

eMule0.49a_hebmule-onyx1.3-alpha2_11.07.08.bin.7z 1.62 MB

Download SRC:
eMule0.49b_hebmule-onyx_v1.3alpha3_src.7 1.54 MB
eMule0.49a_hebmule-onyx1.3-alpha_src.7z 1.49 MB
eMule0.49a_hebmule-onyx1.3-alpha2_src.7z 1.49 MB


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