eMule 0.49b ZZ-RS V1.4 Final

ZZ-RS V1.4 (eMule 0.49b)
+ Auto Drop BadGuy Sources (red skull)
+ Auto Drop all Argos detected Sources
+ Manual Drop BadGuy Sources (red skull)
+ Manual Drop all Argos detected Sources
+ Part Completion SpeedUp
+ AICH additional security check
+ Rebind UPnP on IP-change
+ Icon for client share visibility in all lists (switchable)
+ Kad Interface Improvement
+ BadShareaza detection (detected with Argos Fake client detection)
+ Vagaa detection (detected with Argos Fake client detection)
+ Updated: ReAskSrcAfterIPChange
+ Inform Queued after IP change (switchable)
+ Updated: AutoDropImmunity
+ Fixed Feedback
by morph4u
ed2k Link: eMule.0.49b.ZZ-RS.V1.4.rar
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FileShare Host: Mirror
Newssource: http://www.softwareheadlines.com/modules/planet/index.php