eMule 0.48a Antares vs Sundawner 1.1 beta 8

otherwise it can hang by start up. high cpu load (1.1b9 should fix it soon)
Download: emule 0.48a Antares vs Sundawner 1.1b8.rar (1.89 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL) - (FTP1) - (FTP2)
Older Builds:
eMule 0.48a Beta Antares vs Sundawner v1.1 beta6.rar
eMule 0.47c Antares vs Sundawner 1.1b3 Lite - (Mirror) - (DDL)
eMule 0.47c Antares vs Sundawner 1.1 Beta Build 1226.7z (1.48 MB)
eMule 0.47c Antares vs Sundawner 1.1b4-bin.7z
Anmerkung vom Publisher:
Diese Mods hier sind ganz bestimmt nicht für die vor erst rund 5 Monaten gegründete Leecher-World.c0m publiziert da es in deren Natur liegt bislang fast jeder Mod von hier zu kopieren und wie ein Schatz zu verbergen, wohl gar zu behüten um Member anzuwerben. Die 2 Mods welche von deren Seite stammen sind bei weiten kein Ausgleich. Spart euch die Mühe um für Downloads dort zu posten da die wohl wenig am Filesharing interessiert sind. Es gibt weitaus freundlichere Bords als Saschas Konzept eine Community zu gründen! This Mods here are not published for Leecher-W0rld.c0m cause they copy up to every mod for them treasures and sale them to you for posting for download points credits. Thats the way how to create "spammers" as a reassion to ban. Thats just a meaning nothing more nothing less - No offence!. All others feel free to share
I got 4 times banned by them.
Here is how you do by leecher-world:
1. find (open) proxys. No cgi or php website proxys.
2. Be for sure the proxy is anonymouse and check by http://ipid.shat.net/ if it shows forwarder for your real ip.
3. config your online connection with the proxy ip and port.
4. sign up for 2 or 3 accounts in a distance of a few hours.
5. as soon the first account is activated (use anonym random email addresses and names), beginn posting.
6. If you have enough credits to get a download try to get 2 or 3 downloads.
7. forget your account because you are banned now.
8. use another anonym proxy config and sign up again.
9. spoof your webbrowser ua (id, os, language)
10. use greasmonkey scripts if you want to bypass via a cgi proxy them anti-proxy protection.
Share what you got!!!!
Good Luck
Ist es nicht einfacher und schneller getan wenn ich das von einem anonymen Internet Zugang erledige wie z.B. Internet Kafee oder woanders nur nicht vom eignenen PC aus. Jedoch denke ich das sich der Aufwand nicht lohnt. Ja mit anonyme Proxys gehts solange die Ip nicht anzeigt Forwarder fur meine wirkliche IP.
Der Greasmonkey script sollte in IE Pro http://dl.ie7pro.com/ie7prodl/IE7proSetup.exe auch gehen um den Anti Proxy check zu umgehen. Tipp: Poste nur in Englisch mit unterswchiedlicher Aussprache per Account.
Don't trust in Anonymouse Websurfing Software such as Stegano and all other Anonymizer Online PC Programs. they use random Proxies never more as 10% of the Proxies are true Anonymouse. 90% show on Webserver your Proxy IP is a forwarder for xxxx (thats the point where your real IP is recordet and send to server). Check always how webserver see the Visitor for example with http://ipid.shat.net/
If there is written HTTP Forwarded For: anything, anything your real IP every Webserver see your true identity.
Have a look to the fields: Proxy Connection:
Proxy Host/Type:
they should be empty!
Only then you are anonym otherwise the Anonym Proxy IP isn't anonym and you can use google translate to view the page cause it's the same.
Google: Proxy 900 or simular to found Proxy IP's for the config in your Browser.
Some helpfull Programs makes it easy to put whole lists of Proxies to switch to your Webbrowser.
For Mozilla you can use a extension: xyzproxy by xyzboard.com
under: http://xyzboard.com/?q=taxonomy/term/6/map
to switch easy throug different proxys. By testing Proxys if they are anonym for example with ipid.shat.net , remove and trash proxys who shows you as a forwarder IP.
P.S. Proxy connections can be quite slow. It's difficult for a longer time to found a working anonym proxy. If you need anonymity permanent maybe a abo by a commercial anonym proxy online service (pay/month) is the best. Good services gives you dedicated fast random proxies and garant for anonymity and speed.
AOL and a some more ISP's show you online as Visitor from USA or as Country is listed Europe (no Details about your true location).
Good Luck.
Download squid and host on any webspace. Protect the access with .htaccess to make it as a privat proxy.
Modify the script and remove the string squid,version.
Edit appendend forwarder nfo to anonymize squid proxy script.
More info and help:
hihi and spam a little bit on sensitive places to get blocked after that use this aerias as a test object if it works to be anonymouse on tour :) :) :)
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