eMule 0.48a XDP 0.6

Changelog v0.6:
add AntiNickthief (Wizard)
add Checkbox for Antinickthief
add Anti-XS-Exploiter (Xman)
add Checkbox for Anti-XS-Exploiter
add LeecherSecure (Spike2)
add Checkbox for Leechersecure
add Checkbox for Clientbantime
add Checkbox for Log Banevents
add New Emulations Code for non-Emule clients
add Checkbox for Emulate non-Emule clients
add Checkbox for Log Emulations
add Dropsystem (X-Ray/Sivka)
add New Prefssite for Dropsystem
add Log Drops
add Dropimmunity (Stulle)
add Upkick to QR
add Checkbox for Upkick
add Log UpKick
add QReta (Slugfiller)
add Correct AppIcons (JVA)
add EnhancedClientRecognization (Spike2)
add Safe Kad (netfinity)
add KAD Speed Optimation [netfinity]
add CorruptionBlackbox Fix (Xanatos)
add Fix for Offi Bug when checking for empty Userhash
fixed Bug in Software Column
changed XDP-Prefssite 1
changed/Optimize Reasktimes
change/Optimize ClientcleanUptime
changed/remove some Banstrings from Leechersecure
removed some Dazzlefeautures
removed unused Offi Code in Uploadqueue
Changelog v0.5:
add UDPreasksecuritycheck (netfinity)
add Fakealyzer (netfinity)
add QrDIFF (X-Ray)
add DynamicBlockRequest (netfinity/Xman)
add see all sources (Xman)
add Better passive Source finding (Xman)
add Own Credits (X-Ray)
add Modname
add Extendedprotokolcheck (Sirob)
add ModID (Slugfiller)
add Fakerank (Nightsky10)
add Checkbox for Fakerank
add Logline for Fakerank
add Checkbox for Up4Up
add Download in bold
add Ban Spammer
add Sourcesaver(SLS) (Xman)
fix Disable/Enable Clientlist/Queuelist (Xman)
fix for Corrupt Preferenceskad.dat (netfinity)
changed Splashscreen
changed Prefssite
changed Icons Toolbar (Xman)
changed Upmanagement
remove Webinterface
Download: emule 0.48a XDP v0.6.rar (1.65 MB) - (Mirror)
many other eMule Mod - Strings and Comms are blocked in XDP. Won't be a communication rich mod =:)
For your information:
Fu.q 00.de
Fuqk leecher-world
They all the same!
If you can't fuq so much only fuqk leecher-world.cum, cause 00.de is a mile better!
What is leecher-world and what is 00.de ? Are these emule mods?
Website Forums with emule mod collections. You must post to get a download link (don't write anythink stupid cause they will call you spammer and ban you). It's the new style of central europe forum management to get active members and give them as bonbon after xx good storries a link to download a emule mod (only fileshare mods to download nothing other they have). Isn't it funny?
Not the same as in the US that you get all download links after registration, for example all rapidshare upload goods of all possible fullvers. software, movies and games, only emule maybe some torrent mods. Each coast 5 maybe 10 good storries before you can download. It sounds maybe very weird but Europe Forums do like that.
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