NetMeter 1.1.1 (stable) released

Totals Reports
Projected bandwith use
Daily Reports
Weekly Reports
Monthly Reports
Custon Graphs and Fonts
Traffic Volume Notification
The .ini file will be reset with this version, because some values have a different meaning now.
+ Added config options for autosave feature
+ Added duplicate check for PPP-adapters
- Fixed identification problems with manually selected network interfaces
- Fixed problem with custom bandwidth setting in options menu
- Popup messages are now always on top and no longer modal
- Empty icon is no longer displayed on startup
- Removed "All interfaces" option because it is no longer needed
- Fixed minimizing/restoring on systems with multiple monitors
- Fixed "display average values" calculation (it was broken in version 1.1.0 beta)
- Graph will no longer be drawn while window is minimized (saves a bit of CPU time)
- The dynamic tray icon will now show average UL / DL values if the option "display average values" is active
- The buffer for the graph history has been enlarged from 20 to 30 minutes.
Thanks to the user community for general input, bug reports and suggestions!
Downloads + Mirrors:
NetMeter 1.1.1 (stable) Mirror
Mirror1 - Mirror2
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