27 January 2009

All dlarge eMule Mods {old collection original mods}


(Seba14.org splashscreen exe crypted fakes are sorting out)


Search dlarge mods


eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2 based on eMule 0.47c modded by dlarge

changelog v1.2:

- add undetectet FakeRank
- add FakeRank not for Community/Friends
- add Send no Filelist to Server
- add Only upload to eMule Clients
- add Disable XS (Source Exchange)
- add Disable XS by Client (Source Exchange)
- add set your own Community (Mighty Knife/dlarge)
- add Boost *7 for own Community
- add Boost Friends *5
- add Switch for RB3 Com Ban
- add new Toolbar (shadow2004/JVA)
- add new Toolbar Grafics (big thanks to backpacker)
- add new Logo and Banner (big thanks to backpacker)
- add Show "Appldr34m" User in Bold (dlarge)
- add Slide Bar (eMule+/Xanatos)
- add UPnPNAT Feature (Monki)
- add Save/Load Sources (enkeyDEV)
- add Auto Hard Limit (WIZARD)
- add Spam Ban (Gatchymule)
- add Power Release (Xman)
- add more Credit Systems
- add Save Queue Wait Time (Moonlight)
- add virus Scanner (TK4)
- add Rare File Push (Telp)
- add Part File Push (Telp)
- add Small File Push
- add Queue Part File Push
- add Nice Hash
- add Invisible Mode (eF)
- add see Session Download (Xanatos)
- add Release Bonus (Sivka/Stulle)
- add Window Colours (Spe64)
- add Active Downloads in Bold
- add Show paused Files in Grey
- add Active Downloads Colour
- add Show Funny Nicks
- add switchable Uploadcolour
- add Automatic Sharedfiles Updater (Monki)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix (WIZARD)
- add Drop Stalled Sources (netfinity)
- add Delayed NNP (netfinity)
- add Reask Partstatus on NNP (netfinity)
- add Context Fix for ChatSexmanlector (WIZARD)
- add MM CrashFiX (Xman)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add Show Low Ids Clients in all Cases (Xman)
- add Download Chunk Display (MorphXT)
- add Code for multiSort remove (SLUGFILLER)
- add marked as Cancelled in Searchlist (Xman)
- add Show Chunk Dots (Slugfiller)
- add Confirmed download (xrmb)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add XS Fix (Xanatos)
- add KadEncode (Avi3k)
- add Switches for Display settings
- removed Multi Sort in all Lists
- fixed Code for better show Full ModVersion in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see more Infos in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see the right Client Icons in all Cases
- fixed Bug for Sorting in Waitingqueue
- changed more Message Filters
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings
- changed Code for Ip2country - You see only the Flags in Username
- changed Code for Client Percentage
- changed & optimized Code for manuell Downkick

changelog v1.1:

- add Steahlts community Ban for Titandonkey/RB3/PimpRevolution Mods (WIZARD)
- add Reask NNS/FullQr Sourcen in Download (LSD)
- add Reask Server/Kad for Sourcen in download (LSD)
- add more Infos in Uploadlist for UL/DL,IpNumber,Size,Slot Nr.
- add Stop Single Client in Downloadcases (Xman)
- add choosing Compression (Xman)
- add show Full Mod version in all Cases
- add Exit Smoothly (TK
- add Reask on ID Change Feature
- add P2P WormDetection (netfinity)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- fixed Bug in iP2Country in Download Clientslist
- fixed Bug in Appledr34m Stat and gives more Infos
- fixed Bug in manuell Ban in UL
- fixed displaying wrong Community Client Icon in some cases
- fixed Full Queue Community Sources in Download List (Ekliptor)
- fixed Bug with save Prefs

changelog v1.0:

Bad features:

- add Applejuice Steahlts Community (big thanks to Ekliptor)
- increased USS min Upload to 9KB/s
- changed Argos: never ban Community Clients
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- send Average Uploadrate to Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange
- Upload Levels
- add manuell Reask Source (DL)
- add manuell Kick Source (DL)
- add Push in Download from UL Queue
- add manuell Ban Source (UL)
- add manuell kick Source (UL)
- add manuell Kick Source and put in IpFilter.dat
- add unlimited FriendSlots
- add unlimited Searchresults

Normal features:

- add Argos System (NEO)
- add Updatepage with Ipfilter/Fakes.dat/IP2country (KTS/dlarge)
- add eMule High Prozeß Priority (MorphXT)
- add Quickstart (works only with Kad) (NEO)
- add Dropping Feature (NEO)
- add Mass Rename (Acronic)
- add NAFC Feature (WIZARD)
- add Appledr34m Stats (Shandra/Lama)
- add SysInfo in StatusBar (Jva)
- add Feedback Feature (Werewolf/dlarge)
- add Slot Focus (KTS)
- add Slot Control (KTS/dlarge)
- add Emulate others (Spike2)
- add File Buffer Flush Time (Spike2)
- add Winsocket 2 (eWombat)
- add Anti FakeRank (Cyrex2001)
- add Diff Qr (KTS)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Sidebanner (MorphXT)
- add Friend Handling in DL/Up/Qr List (Xman)
- add client Percentage
- add XS-workaround for older clients (WIZARD)
- add Fix Connection Collision (Sirob)
- add SpreadReask (Spike2)
- add Ip2Country
- add Mod ID in Statistics (Slugfiller)
- add Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity)
- add Secure SUI (netfinity)
- add Force deletion (Xman)
- add Never ban Friends (KTS)
- add Add passive source after we evaluated (netfinity)
- add Static server handling (Mighty Knife)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- add coloured Downloadstatus (dlarge)
- add coloured Uplist to Queuerank (dlarge)
- add show Low Id`s in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- add Better Passive Source Finding (XMAN)
- add Enhanced ClientRecognization (Spike2)
- add Variable Compression (MorphXT)
- add Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size (Slugfiller)
- add Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (WIZARD)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add see Own Credits (VQ
- add DoubleLucas Fix (Slugfiller)
- add Relax On StartUp (WIZARD)
- add Proper KadClientList-Client deletion (WIZARD)
- add Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys (WIZARD)
- add DL Part completion speed-up code (BlueSonicBoy)
- add LoopImprovement Code Fix (NeoMule/WIZARD)
- add Server Message Filter (WIZARD)
- add Dont Overwrite BakFiles (Xman)
- add Anti-Shape (netfinity)

...many other Fixes and Optimations
applejuice + angeldr34m = Appledr34m


based on Tombstone 1.51 merged to Silversurfer Mod
modded by dlarge

changelog v2.6
- add Up only to eMule
- add NAFC
- add Source Graph - Stulle/Miles
- add File Push Setings
- add Display User Hash
- add Defeat 0 Part Senders
- add One Queue per File
- add Server Bluebold
- add Filtered server in gray
- add don’t show splash on old windows (Crashfix)
- add crash dump improvement
- add Tooltipfix



based on ScarAngel 1.8

-added fakerank (dlarge and gatcymule)
-added simple mod boost(dlarge)
-added dlarge uploadmanagement

-added max querank by download
-added donkey ban
-modified Upmanagment
-added Upload4Upload
-fakerank modified

- remove the ratio and add manual kick and ban

- fakerank
- kick and ban in uploadlist
- max Queuerank im DL
- Upload4Upload
- added only 1 slot upload
- added simple fakeserver filter

Basic scarangel 1.8:
- 04.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: XP-Style menus [Xanatos/ eMule-web.de staff] - Stulle
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle] - Stulle
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enforce Ratio [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Tabs in ScarAngel preferences dialog can be translated [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Reset Spread Bars command [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: second categories column in DownloadList removed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: always one release slot [Xman] - Stulle
+ use PowerShare instead
Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible
Enforce Ratio:
+ Download will be limited when 80% of the max ratio is reached
+ Example: Ratio = 1:1 --> Limit when 1:0.8 to download = upload*1
+ Display details on ratio activation


eMule 0.47a Tombstone Reloaded v2.6
based on Tombstone 1.51
merged to Silversurfer Mod

changelog v2.6:
- add Up only to eMule
- add AutoHardLimit
- add NAFC
- add Source Graph - Stulle/Miles
- add File Push Setings
- Small File
- Part File
- Rare File
- add Display User Hash
- add Defeat 0 Part Senders
- add One Queue per File
- add Switch for Fakerank
- add Server Bluebold
- add Filtered server in gray
- add don't show splash on old windows (Crashfix)
- add crash dump improvement
- add Tooltipfix

changelog v2.5:

- add Automatic FriendSlot
- add Payback first
- add Button for Boost Friends
- add no complite Files in Red
- add Log Friendlist Activities
- add 80% score for non SUI clients
- add fogotten code for Power Release
- add Code Optimization requpfile
- add modified SUQWT
- add Fixes and Codeimprofements

changelog v2.4:

- add Source Saver (SLS)
- add Switch for Client Percentage %
- add New Nice Hash
- more Sourcefindingresults
- changed all Quickstart Settings
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- add new AntiLeech.dll v.18

changelog v2.3:

- Send no Modstring
- fixed Queusize Bug
- fixed Crash on Startup
- changed Codeimprofements

changelog v2.2:

- Removed Ratio
- add FakeRank
- add Uploadmanagment
- add Uploadprotection to Queuerank
- add manuell Kick & Ban from Upload
- add Kick und Push from Upload Queue
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Ban friends
- add Friendhandling in DL,UL and Queue
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Links to Supportboard
- add Spam Ban
- add unlimited Search Results at EDk2 Search
- add unlimited Friendslots
- add FileBuffer up to 20,5 MB
- add Queue 0 up to 10000. 0 Up
- add Slot Control with Slot Focus
- add Queue Part File Push
- add more Creditsystems
- add Nice Hash Feature
- add Special Stats
- add Xman Code Improvement for choosing to use compression
- add better passive source finding (Xman)
- add Better Chunk Selection (Xman)
- add Filebuffer-time limit (max 30min)
- add Friends in Bold
- add drop slowest source (Dazzle)
- add Extended clean-up II (MAELLA)
- add Don't draw hidden Rect (Morph)
- add Don't draw hidden columns (Morph)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add Banned Aggressiv Clients
- add eMule Process Prio Settings
- add Relax on Start-Up (Wizard)
- add P2P WormDetection (Netfinity)
- add Variable compression (Netfinity)
- add ModID (Slugfiller)
- add doubleLucas (Slugfiller)
- add Load IpFilter when SplashScreen is ON (LSD)
- add Show Extra Infos in Client Detail Dialog (Spe64)
- add Exit Smoothly (TKB)
- add Toolbar [shadow2004]
Toolbarstyle, Sidebar and Logo by Devion - big thanks
- add IP Filter/Fakes.dat Update
- add Fake Check Manager
- add Settings for Upload Prio in Transferwindow
- add askfordownload priority (Xman)
- add complete source fix (Spanish)
- add Reask Sources Features
- add Enchanced Client Recognization
- add Emulate Others
- add AntiFake Rank
- add Diff Queuerank
- add Quickstartfeature
- add Droppingfeature
- add Friendboost
- add Find best Sources
- add See own credits
- add show PartFile as 'red' if never seen complete (TK4)
- add Server.met Link in ServerWindow
- add Show own Userhash in ServerWindow
- add Sidebanner
- add Up/Down Status in Uploadlist
- add Queuerank in Uploadlist
- add coloured Uploadlist to Queuerank
- add "Whois" Source
- add Show LowIDs
- add Spread Reask
- add Dont Kill Sources
- add DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
- add Small File Push
- add Startup crash dump improvement(Wizard)
- add Codefix Crash on Shutdown (Morph)
- add Code Fix - DestroySocket (Maella)
- add reqBlocksClipping (Slugfiller)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- optimized Queuefinding
- coloured DL Status
- changed Client Ban Time to 4h

- removed Client Analyzer
- removed IRC
- removed Wizard
- removed Help

Download: eMule 0.47a - TS Reloaded 2.6.rar 1.64 MB


eMule 0.47c TS Next Lite v1.0

modded by dlarge
based on Tombstone 1.55

- No Upload
- undetected FakeRank
- add No Ratio
- add Emulate Others
- add Drop Sourcen
- add QuickStart
- add newest AutoHardLimit (Wizard)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Server Message Filter (Wizard)
- add Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
- add File Buffer TimeLimit
- add Mod Icons in Down/Up/Queuelist
- add Diff Queue/Anti FakeRank
- add more Message Filters
- changed Filebuffer to 20MB
- many others Optimations

- removed Sharedfiles Window
- removed Uploadsettings
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed MobilMule
- removed Webserveur/interface
- removed Tools
- removed Scheduler
- removed Notifications
- removed Proxy
- removed Versionscheck

Download: eMule 0.47c - Tombstone Next lite 1.0.rar 1.54 MB


Changelog DeathAngel 1.4
based on Xtreme 5.2.2
modified by dlarge

Changelog 1.4:
- merged to 0.47c
- add Neo Encryption/ISP Transveral (Xanatos)
- add CPU/Ram Infos in Transferwindow (Sicks)
- add Adjust Compress Level (Stulle)
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add ChunkDots (Slugfiller)
- add ConfirmedDownload (xrmb)
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- internal code optimations
- removed unused Codes
- removed Webcache - not worked (this is a Problem in 0.47c)

changelog 1.3 Update:

- fixed Bug for close Emule with Error
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- Internal Code Cleaning

changelog 1.3:

- compiled now with VS2003 SP1
- merged to Xtreme Mod 5.2.2
- add DLP banned Xtreme Mods
- add SupportBoard Button in Transferwindow
- small code optimations
- add modified antileech.dll

changelog 1.2

- add Community
- add No FakeRank for Community and Friends
- add Uploadkick to QR
- add no Uploadkick for Community and Friends
- changed Ratio to 1:10
- add no waitingtime for Commembers in Queue(thanks Spe64)
- changed Quickstart
- add Quickstart works only with Kad
- add Switches for all Leecher Tweaks
- add Fix crash at shutdown
- add the new modified antileech.dll
- modified Upmanagment
- changed Icons

- removed "Share Off" because Community
- removed Scheduler
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC

changelog 1.1

- add Share Features
- add Uploadslotlimit to min 0.1
- add Webcache
- add Virus Scanner
- add coloured Download Status
- add Quickstart
- add more Creditsystems
- add MassRename
- add Copy feedback feature
- add Source Graph
- add more Drop Settings
- add Show Client Percentage
- add Sivka File Settings
- add Save Upload Queue Waiting Time
- add Active Connection Control
- add Mod Icons
- changed Funny Nick Feature to FN Feature from Stulle
- changed Icons
- optimized many Settings
- updated Webcache
- removed Whois

changelog 1.0

- add undected FakeRank
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add Upprotection
- No Ratio
- No ban Friends
- Friend Boost
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add Anti FakeRank + DiffQr Rank
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add unlimited Searchresults
- Sourcefinding optimized
- add Whois
- add Friends in bold
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Enhanced Client Recognization
- add Invisible Mode (HotKey: Alt+Z)
- add more Message Filters
- add Display Userhash
- add Link to Download a New Server.met in NetInfoDialog
- add complete source fix
- changed min Uploadslot to 1
- changed Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- changed min Up to 1
- changed Queuesize to 0 - 100000
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- removed Switch for 1:3 Session Ratio
- removed Failed download ban
- removed Global DeadSourceList
- changed Ban time to 4 h

Download: 2 different splashscreen editions:
00de.de (fake splash or original?) - Leecherclients.org (was possible his own site or fake?)

Splashscreen one: eMule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.4-2.rar 3.79 MB
Splashscreen two: eMule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.4.rar 3.60 MB

DeathAngel 1.5
modified by dlarge

changelog 1.5:
- merged to Xtreme 5.3
- removed Community
- modified Uploadmanagment
- add Zero Upload (Share Off)
- add Webcache
- add Upload4Upload
- add max QueueRank in Download
-add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)
- add Auto Hard Limit(Stulle)
- add Emulate Others
- add new Prefpagedesign with Treecontrol
- fixed Bug in Save Queue Wait Time
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in save Prefs
- add modified antileech.dll 21.0.0
- put all removed Features from Xtreme inside


eMule 0.47c Hyperdrive 1.1
modded by dlarge
based on MorphXT 9.0

changelog 1.0:

- merged to MorphXT 9.1
- small Code cleaning
- small optimations in Codetags

changelog 1.0:

- add No Ratio
- add Friend Boost
- add Share Features
- add Server Hopping [Gatchymule]
- add undected FakeRank
- add Send No Files to Server [Dazlle]
- add max QueueRank in Download
- add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)!!!
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add dynamic Uploadkick to QR
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add No ban Friends
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add unlimited Searchresults
- add Source Graph [Stulle]
- add Emulate Others
- add Hyperdrive Stat + Coloured Stat [Shandra/Spe64]
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add Quickstart
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- add Queuesize to 100 - 100000
- add No FakeRank for Friends
- add no Uploadkick for Friends
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations
- add many Fixes and Optimations

- removed Wizard
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed Versionscheck
- removed Notifier
- removed Mobil Mule

Download: eMule 0.47c - Hyperdrive 1.1.rar 2.21 MB


eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0
modified by dlarge


- No Ratio
- only Upload to eMule
- removed ZZ Ratio
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add Push in Upload from Queuelist
- add Kick from Upload
- add Ban from Upload
- add Kick from Upload and put to IpFilter
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Answer after Ban
- Filebufer to 20MB
- Queuesize to 0
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations

Download: eMule 0.47c - Morph XT v9.0 by dlarge.rar 2.69 MB
eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2
based on eMule 0.47c
modded by dlarge

changelog v1.2:

- add undetectet FakeRank
- add FakeRank not for Community/Friends
- add Send no Filelist to Server
- add Only upload to eMule Clients
- add Disable XS (Source Exchange)
- add Disable XS by Client (Source Exchange)
- add set your own Community (Mighty Knife/dlarge)
- add Boost *7 for own Community
- add Boost Friends *5
- add Switch for RB3 Com Ban

- add new Toolbar (shadow2004/JVA)
- add new Toolbar Grafics (big thanks to backpacker)
- add new Logo and Banner (big thanks to backpacker)
- add Show "Appldr34m" User in Bold (dlarge)
- add Slide Bar (eMule+/Xanatos)
- add UPnPNAT Feature (Monki)
- add Save/Load Sources (enkeyDEV)
- add Auto Hard Limit (WIZARD)
- add Spam Ban (Gatchymule)
- add Power Release (Xman)
- add more Credit Systems
- add Save Queue Wait Time (Moonlight)
- add virus Scanner (TK4)
- add Rare File Push (Telp)
- add Part File Push (Telp)
- add Small File Push
- add Queue Part File Push
- add Nice Hash
- add Invisible Mode (eF)
- add see Session Download (Xanatos)
- add Release Bonus (Sivka/Stulle)
- add Window Colours (Spe64)
- add Active Downloads in Bold
- add Show paused Files in Grey
- add Active Downloads Colour
- add Show Funny Nicks
- add switchable Uploadcolour
- add Automatic Sharedfiles Updater (Monki)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix (WIZARD)
- add Drop Stalled Sources (netfinity)
- add Delayed NNP (netfinity)
- add Reask Partstatus on NNP (netfinity)
- add Context Fix for ChatSexmanlector (WIZARD)
- add MM CrashFiX (Xman)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add Show Low Ids Clients in all Cases (Xman)
- add Download Chunk Display (MorphXT)
- add Code for multiSort remove (SLUGFILLER)
- add marked as Cancelled in Searchlist (Xman)
- add Show Chunk Dots (Slugfiller)
- add Confirmed download (xrmb)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add XS Fix (Xanatos)
- add KadEncode (Avi3k)
- add Switches for Display settings
- removed Multi Sort in all Lists

- fixed Code for better show Full ModVersion in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see more Infos in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see the right Client Icons in all Cases
- fixed Bug for Sorting in Waitingqueue

- changed more Message Filters
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings
- changed Code for Ip2country - You see only the Flags in Username
- changed Code for Client Percentage
- changed & optimized Code for manuell Downkick

changelog v1.1:

- add Steahlts community Ban for Titandonkey/RB3/PimpRevolution Mods (WIZARD)
- add Reask NNS/FullQr Sourcen in Download
- add Reask Server/Kad for Sourcen in download
- add more Infos in Uploadlist for UL/DL,IpNumber,Size,Slot Nr.
- add Stop Single Client in Downloadcases (Xman)
- add choosing Compression (Xman)
- add show Full Mod version in all Cases
- add Exit Smoothly (TKB)
- add Reask on ID Change Feature
- add P2P WormDetection (netfinity)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- fixed Bug in Appledr34m Stat and gives more Infos
- fixed Bug in manuell Ban in UL
- fixed displaying wrong Community Client Icon in some cases
- fixed Full Queue Community Sources in Download List (Ekliptor)
- fixed Bug with save Prefs

changelog v1.0:

Bad features:

- add Applejuice Steahlts Community (big thanks to Ekliptor)
- increased USS min Upload to 9KB/s
- changed Argos: never ban Community Clients
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- send Average Uploadrate to Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange
- Upload Levels
- add manuell Reask Source (DL)
- add manuell Kick Source (DL)
- add Push in Download from UL Queue
- add manuell Ban Source (UL)
- add manuell kick Source (UL)
- add manuell Kick Source and put in IpFilter.dat
- add unlimited FriendSlots
- add unlimited Searchresults

Normal features:

- add Argos System (NEO)
- add Updatepage with Ipfilter/Fakes.dat/IP2country (KTS/dlarge)
- add eMule High Prozeß Priority (MorphXT)
- add Quickstart (works only with Kad) (NEO)
- add Dropping Feature (NEO)
- add Mass Rename (Acronic)
- add NAFC Feature (WIZARD)
- add Appledr34m Stats (Shandra/Lama)
- add SysInfo in StatusBar (Jva)
- add Feedback Feature (Werewolf/dlarge)
- add Slot Focus (KTS)
- add Slot Control (KTS/dlarge)
- add Emulate others (Spike2)
- add File Buffer Flush Time (Spike2)
- add Winsocket 2 (eWombat)
- add Anti FakeRank (Cyrex2001)
- add Diff Qr (KTS)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Sidebanner (MorphXT)
- add Friend Handling in DL/Up/Qr List (Xman)
- add client Percentage
- add XS-workaround for older clients (WIZARD)
- add Fix Connection Collision (Sirob)
- add SpreadReask (Spike2)
- add Ip2Country
- add Mod ID in Statistics (Slugfiller)
- add Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity)
- add Secure SUI (netfinity)
- add Force deletion (Xman)
- add Never ban Friends (KTS)
- add Add passive source after we evaluated (netfinity)
- add Static server handling (Mighty Knife)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- add coloured Downloadstatus (dlarge)
- add coloured Uplist to Queuerank (dlarge)
- add show Low Id`s in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- add Better Passive Source Finding (XMAN)
- add Enhanced ClientRecognization (Spike2)
- add Variable Compression (MorphXT)
- add Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size (Slugfiller)
- add Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (WIZARD)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add see Own Credits (VQB)
- add DoubleLucas Fix (Slugfiller)
- add Relax On StartUp (WIZARD)
- add Proper KadClientList-Client deletion (WIZARD)
- add Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys (WIZARD)
- add DL Part completion speed-up code (BlueSonicBoy)
- add LoopImprovement Code Fix (NeoMule/WIZARD)
- add Server Message Filter (WIZARD)
- add Dont Overwrite BakFiles (Xman)
- add Anti-Shape (netfinity)

...many other Fixes and Optimations

Have Fun!!!

eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.2.rar 2.47 MB
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.1 modded by dlarge.rar 2.17 MB


Angel Dr34m v 2.4
modded by dlarge
based on eMule 0.47c

changelog v2.4:

- add Super Release
- add Power Release with Hide OS
- add Slide Bar (NEO)
- add Update Page
- add Dynamic IP Filter
- add Fakecheck Manager
- add Argos leecher.sig Updater
- add Auto Updater for IPFilter/Fakecheck
- add Ban from Upload and add him to IpFilter
- add Show Downloadfiles in blue in Sharedfiles Window
- add Show Low Id User in Up and Queue List
- add show paused Files in grey
- add Copy Feedback in SharedFiles Window
- fixed better Sourcefinding
- fixed Bug in "MSS Settings"
- fixed Bug in "Disable Uploadcolour"

- removed all Netfinity Features // Remember this by compiling!!!

changelog v2.3:

- add max Queue Rank in Download
- add ARGOS Anti Leecher System
- updated Argos System
- add MSS Settings
- add Emulate Settings
- add Backup Feature
- add NAFC Feature
- add Secure SUI
- add Anti Shaping (netfinity)
- add Known Client Bonus (netfinity)
- add ReadBlockFromFileThread (Sirob)
- regonized Lphant Mods
- changed Nice Hash Code
- optimized Codeparts
- removed Credit Systems

changelog v2.2:

- merged to eMule 0.47c innoficiell
- fixed Problem in Queuesize
- fixed Bug in save Preference for Dropping
- fixed Bug for Updating the language.dll
- deleted not needed Codeparts

changelog v2.1:

- add more Infos in Queuelist with Software/Modversion/IP/Size/QR
- fixed Switch in Prefpage "General"
- fixed Bug Infos in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in Upmanagment
- fixed Bug with save Settings for Source Graph
- fixed Bug with close eMule with Error in Statistics Prefpage

changelog v2.0:

- No Ratio
- add undetected FakeRank
- add No FakeRank for Friends
- schaltbare Shareoptionen:
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add Anonym Mod
- add Uploadkick to QR
- add no Uploadkick for Friends
- add Uploadmanagment to Queuerank
- add Switches for all Leecher Tweaks
- add coloured Uploadlist to Queueplace
- add No Searchresults(XS) send to Server
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add more Creditsystems
- changed Client Ban Time to 6h
- add Ban4Ban
- add unlimited Searchresults
- add more Messagefilter
- add Server.met Link in ServerWindow "My Info"
- add Show own Userhash in ServerWindow "My Info"
- add new Icons
- add Reask Source
- add Remove Source from DL
- add Anti FakeRank + DiffQr Rank
- add Special Stat+ Coloured for Board(Spe64)
- add Friend Boost
- add Virus Scanner
- add No ban Friends
- add QPF Push
- add Spread Reask
- add Power Release
- add Friendhandling
- add Queue 100 up to 10000
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- changed Filepuffer to 20,5 MB
- CPU/Ram Anzeige at Transferwindow
- only Up to Emule Clients
- Ask For Download Priority
- Better passive source finding
- Recheck Firewalled
- Recognize newer Shaeraza
- Find Best Sources
- Low ID retry
- Upload optimized
- add complete source fix
- Double Lucas Fix
- many Codeoptimations
- Internal Code Cleaning
- compiled now with VS2003 SP1
- removed Wizard

Download: eMule 0.47c - Angel Dr34m 2.4.rar 3.54 MB
Source codes lost, if someone have please submit!


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