03 January 2009

Open Download Manager ODM

Open Download Manager - fast and easy access to get

Open Download Manager symbol of open source and freedom. At the same time we want as quickly as agile Swallow download from network resources.

Open Download Manager in both English and Chinese, the use of GNU GPLv3, now supports the BitTorrent, will soon support eMule / eDonkey

Project Home: http://opendownloadmanager.org/

Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/opendownloadmanager/
BBS: http://forum.huihoo.com/viewforum.php?f=115

Download: odm-
Mirror: odm-
ZDNet Asia Mirror - Downloads
Source and Bin: http://code.google.com/p/opendownloadmanager/downloads/list

Installer extracted (no install version): odm- 4.86 MB
start program from odm-\{app}\odm.exe


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your valuable information.

It was really of use to me.


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