05 January 2009

eMule 0.49b Magic Angel 3.7

eMule v.49b Magic Angel v3.7 bta pre

ADDED: manual reask source source via udp in in DownloadList
REMOVED: Server Ads
ADDED/CHANGED: open a default website to download a default server.met and nodes.dat direct links /no need to open browser
ADDED: Show NickName in Server Window
REMOVED: Session Ratio
CHANGED: Icons and Graphic stuff size and res optimized - reduced some 500 kb
CHANGED: Show Full Network Info in Server Window
ADDED: Run TCP-Z Network Monitor from Tool
ADDED: Show Nick in About

compiled with VS2008 SP1 w/o debuging code linker using ATL Libs 9.0.70425

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.7]

CHANGED: AntiModThief to old code // rem. now anti nickthief dont work in some rare cases anymore
CHANGED: Removed some entries from MagicAntiLeech (entries are in DLP too)
FIXED: Latest Morph Default Ipfilter.zip File, failed update[D10Tmain] // tested highest zip compression level using 7zip by Ozzy's ipfilter.dat works now to extract
FIXED: Vagaa Detection - forgotten to change some code during merging was commented out in source
FIXED: Leecher Icon in downloading Clients Lists

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.6]
compiled with VS2005 SP1

CHANGED: some Lines of Versionchecks for VS2005[gomez82]
CHANGED: AntiModThief in Argos now uses WiZaRds AntiModthiefCode from ClientAnalyzer
FIXED: ClearMessageField[TuxMan]
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]
ADDED: open a default website when nodesurl is invalid[ZZ00fly]
ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) and some Code changes in Clientcredits[Stulle]

Downloads with Modstr
Download: MA 3.7.7z 5.68 MB
DDL: ma_3.7.7z

ADDED manual Ban and Unban (Argos) + Kick from Queue/Upload, Clean Queue and Upload Client Lists : MA 3.7+.7z 5.68 MB

replaced: obfuscation send Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ with newer Fx /thePrefs.IsClientCryptLayerRequested // no Italian users on most foreigner countries isp could detect it's emule.

changed: Min upload slots from 60 to 1
changed: rare/part/rel boost limits up to *250

no ps limit on incomplete/part
eMulemamo.exe 1.95 MB

Removed: Modstr. and Nick addon (send genuine official emule 0.49b)

MA 3.7-no modstr.7z 5.67 MB downloads in bbs


mergged new v3.7 bta fixes to v3.5 w/o antileech sys changes in 3.5
other fixes
enabled download history in shared files icon sorting

Download: eMule 0.49b ILLuTion Mod-MA3.7-Based.7z 6.33 MB

Using two Network cards to bundle 2 ISP's to dopple speed by set two registry entry without need for any tools to buy:
For WinNT/Win2000/XP: For systems with 2 Network Cards [NICs]
Registry Settings
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters]
Value Name: RandomAdapter
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
sP="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\RandomAdapter" 'Dword 1=enable 0=disable
sP1="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters\SingleResponse" 'Dword 1=enable 0=disable


nqk18469 said...

Crash report 3 cases:


Recon said...

please sing up by sourceforge and submit bug reports to the developer forum from gomez82


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