08 January 2009

VeryCD 电驴(easyMule) 1.1.1 20090107

eMule is faster as Bittorrent, can reach max line speed

VeryCD 电驴(easyMule) 1.1.1 20090107 beta[2009-01-07]

* fixed bug: 0.49b合并后,资源页中切换页签丢失搜索结果
* fixed bug: 下载中的文件重启动加载后没添加到分享队列
* fixed bug:vista下切换用户后无法直接使用电驴
* 优化网络映射磁盘的处理,避免程序卡死
* 解决几处合并后的程序崩溃

based on comments to this blog:


and the source files are complete.

Here it is easyMule v1.1.1:

please submit the bug if it crash.

No changes to the source!
releaseMe.zip 2.82 MB

+ add a default server.met url if field is empty //pP
+ in preferences.cpp changed default options:
advanced [true], more options to enable [true]

Preferences.cpp 164.42 KB
ServerWnd.cpp 36.61 KB

add ADSL 4 MB down (512 kb/s up) and 6 mb down / 512 kb/s up to connection window will be great
IE2EM.dll ActiveX BHO and Ie menu extensions IE2EM.htm optional
BetterSP2 to patch tcpip.sys optional // in some cases it can reduce the max half open in tcpip.sys"

compiled favor small code: emule-small.exe 5.75 MB
compiled favor fast code: emule-fast.exe 6.54 MB

using updated libs on vs 2008 sp1

easyMule v1.1.1 2009 [eMule 0.49b VeryCD 90107]

compiled with vs 2005



small bug in sharedfiles window reload feature, files dont reload sometimes or if change manually files in incomming folder it can crash.dmp

DownloadClientsCtrl.cpp doesnt show client version (mod) next to emule build client->GetClientSoftVer());

"anyhow BetterSP2.cpp/h after running emule.exe have patched my tcpip.sys file limit to 9 from unlimited:"
"could restore it only with xp-antispy to unlimited"

2009 eMule 0.49b based is the BEST VERYCD MOD ever!!!
Great source finder fast via kad and releasing works as well fine.

- No Leecher features added or in this source code build compiled -

Download full with countryflag,...


Anonymous said...

Thank you!
Great mod! Very fast

Anonymous said...

Best ever it alread have kick and ban in upload


write in preferences.ini

now you can
remove client = kick
and add to friends and all menues then inside to control


Anonymous said...

thank for the trick to kick from upload if someone not shares in extension to the dlp working by all vc version.
the minimule no work by me.

Anonymous said...

Who can make a real leecher on this mod?!

Anonymous said...

- TCPIP Patch
- Ratio 1:3

runtime stats with no dLp
eMule v1.1.1 Statistics [[CHN][VeryCD]myname]

Session UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 11.07
Session UL:DL Ratio (Friends UL excluded): 1 : 11.07
Cumulative UL:DL Ratio: 1 : 7.35
Uploaded Data: 380.74 MB
Uploaded Data to Friend Slots (Session): 0 Bytes
Active Uploads/Needed to fill Bandwidth: 7
Total Uploads: 7
Waiting Uploads: 3646
Upload Sessions: 138
Total Overhead (Packets): 38.16 MB (323.65 k)
Downloaded Data: 4.11 GB
Completed Downloads: 3
Active Downloads (chunks): 37
Found Sources: 657
Download Sessions: 2112
Gained Due To Compression: 3.16 MB (0.1%)
Lost Due To Corruption: 180.00 KB (0.0%)
Parts Saved Due To I.C.H: 0
Total Overhead (Packets): 23.97 MB (682.25 k)
Reconnects: 0
Active Connections (estimate): 208 (Half:0 | Compl:4 | Other:204)
Average Connections (estimate): 214
Peak Connections (estimate): 439
Max Connection Limit Reached: 0
Upload-Speed: 13.98 KB/s
Average Uploadrate: 12.71 KB/s
Max Upload Rate: 14.13 KB/s
Max Average Upload Rate: 12.72 KB/s
Download-Speed: 173.93 KB/s
Average Downloadrate: 140.66 KB/s
max. Downloadrate: 278.30 KB/s
Max Downloadrate Average: 140.66 KB/s
Time Statistics
Statistics last reset: 08.01.2009 17:19:44
Time Since Last Reset: 18:15 Hours
Runtime: 8:31 Hours
Transfer Time: 8:31 Hours (100.0%)
Current Server Duration: 8:31 Hours (100.0%)
Total Server Duration: 8:31 Hours (100.0%)
Projected Averages
Known Clients: 3713
eMule: 3633 (97.8%)
v0.48a: 2682 (73.8%)
v0.49b: 667 (18.4%)
v0.47c: 136 (3.7%)
v0.49a: 116 (3.2%)
Minor: 30 (0.8%)
eD Hybrid: 0 (0.0%)
eDonkey: 0 (0.0%)
aMule: 14 (0.4%)
MLdonkey: 11 (0.3%)
Shareaza: 7 (0.2%)
eM Compat: 48 (1.3%)
Unknown: 0 (0.0%)
eD2K: 3494 (94.1%)
Kad: 3508 (94.5%)
eD2K/Kad: 3294 (88.7%)
Unknown: 5 (0.1%)
Low ID: 1996 (53.8%)
Secure Ident (OK : Failed ): 3613 (98.7%) : 48 (1.3%)
Problematic: 0 (0.0%)
Banned: 160
Filtered: 4758
Leecher-Hits: 26
Shared Files
Disk Space


Anonymous said...

forgot, upload only to emule is in code.
boost partfiles will add later and auto shared files reloader + custom modstr and emule version

Anonymous said...

people this is not a leecher mod, if compile all emules as debug version even manual reask server for new sources work by all mods. only difference compile not as debug and put it in release version track client, kick = remove from upload,...

Anonymous said...

modstr = eMule v0.49b [VeryCD easyMule 090107]

Anonymous said...

Server L2L

Anonymous said...

Server L2L

Anonymous said...

changed: show full mod version/name in ClientList, DownloadList, DownloadClients (like in clientdetails dialog)

added: manual Ask for Download Client (some clients need a reask unless they send/beginn to upload [thunder builds...]
added: manual Ban Client from Download List / Upload / Waiting Queue
edded: extend remove client from upload to the known clients list in download list



eMule v0.49b [VeryCD easyMule 081224]

add to menu option custom modstr.
[last 7 vc builds strings are pre settings to select or custom] + switch emule version from 0.49b to 0.48a [old vc build]

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