03 April 2011

eMule Xtreme 8.1

zz_fly released eMule 0.50a Xtreme v8.1 today with the following changes:

Xtreme 8.1
- improved: update Flush Thread and Read Block From File Thread (Morph/Sirob)
- improved: Sort progress bars by percentage (Fafner/Xman)
- improved: Also include modstring when sorting by software for aMule (Stulle)
- improved: Don't reset Connection Settings for SysTrayIconMenu (Stulle)
- improved: Optimize Process Kad client list (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Possibly crash fix on ShowComment (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Don't publish incomplete small files (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Fix broken HTTP downloads from SourceForge (WiZaRd)
- fixed: Collection double extension (leuk_he)
- fixed: Client is always highid if we are connecting to them (Enig123)
- fixed: don't reconnect to banned clients (Enig123)
- fixed: Potential devision by zero in UploadBandwidthThrottler (Stulle)
- fixed: fix a problem of AICHHashset write buffer at shutdown (DolphinX)
- more minor fixes and improves from Stulle's merge
- removed: Send user agent for http downloads only when obfusc enabled code (redundant) (Xman)
- changed: Store antiLeech.dll in config directory (Stulle)
antiLeech.dll.new should henceforth also be placed in config dir.
- add: Ability to translate "Network Adapter" and "eMule control + data" for graphs (Stulle)
- add: Own color option for Network Adapter graph line (Stulle)
requires Network Adapter color to be configured on update
- add: Add a checkbox of Known2Split in PPGFiles (zz_fly)

For Chinese users, go to http://www.chnp2p.org/topics/xtreme, you will get a Chinese changelog there.

File release url rss: http://sourceforge.net/api/file/index/project-id/129450/mtime/desc/limit/20/rss



eMule 0.50a Xtreme v8.1 UPnP - Bin:
Double UPnP library Version:
update log
"- added double UPNP library support (only in the code) (zz_fly)"
ACAT UpnP lib for better ADSL support


List donkey DLL:
(Donkey list version:
Download UPNP library version, and into the CONFIG directory copy ACATLicense.dll
Note: The list server address setting donkey to move to the Advanced Options at the bottom)


ACATStat.7z @ chnp2p



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