Azureus Java BitTorrent client v3.0.1.7 Beta 17 (update)

It supports numerous languages, including, for instance, English, German, Italian, Japanese and French.
New Features:
* Core | IP Filter Autoloading. Supports DAT (eMule), P2P (PeerGardian, splist), and P2B v1,2,3 (Peer Gardian 2) formats.
* UI | Option to display divider lines every 60 updates on the Statistics view
* Plug | Added helper class to make listening to download events across all downloads easier
* Core | Azureus AutoSpeed v2 Beta
* Core | Byte-level download control for Downloads
* Core | Speed tester wizard
* UI | Added "Transfers Bar" (similar to the "Download Bar")
* UI | Correctly identifies FoxTorrent and Blizzard Downloader peers
* UI | Determines version information for Bits On Wheels and Opera peers
* UI | Vivaldi view can use mouse wheel too zoom now (requires clicking on the view first)
* UI | Date Completed column
* UI | (Beta) Various Auto Speed algorithms
* UI | Auto-open MyShares if any shares
* Core | Auto-speed: added control for forced-max network speed
* Core | Option to clear stored tracker list used for creating torrents
* UI | Option to add full UPnP debug information to the log view
* Core | Alerts can now be shown in individual message popup boxes
* Core | Alerts can now be suppressed and shown on demand
* Core | Per-peer upload/download speed limits
* Core | Per-category upload/download speed limits
* Core | Per-torrent super-seeding via MyTorrents context menu
* UI | Option to auto-download and install updates
* UI | Overall piece map for Piece View
* UI | New "Peer ID" columns in the Peers View
* Plug | Plugins can now add their own status indicators on the status bar
* Plug | Plugins can now add menu items to the system tray, download bars, menu bar
* Plug | Plugins can now remove menu items that are created (allows for dynamic menus)
* Plug | Added extra methods on DownloadManager making it easier to listen to download events
* Core | Handle 503s better with webseeds
* Core | Disable HTTP authentication dialog for webseeds
* Core | Reduce DHT registration counts for queued torrents
* UI | Running Azureus while azureus is already running now brings Azureus to front
* UI | OSX: Make minimize to status bar icon hide the main window instead of putting it in the doc
* Core | Include msvcr71.dll in Windows installation bundles, for compatibility with Java6
* Plug | Added full set of config parameter methods for completeness
Corrected bugs:
* Core | Plugin installation/updates using Vista
* Core | Updater now works on Vista with security challenged users
* Core | Fixup "Get Right" webseed handling as per the spec
* Core | Fixed bug which sometimes prevented corrupted torrents being removed properly
* Core | Fix rare case where app dir on win32 could report wrong azureus dir on multi-az computers
* Core | Prevent upnp dispatcher queue from growing too large
* Core | Limit UPnP write-request exec threads
* UI | Fixed force starting a torrent via the Open Torrent Window options.
* Core | 100% CPU problem in network code under some conditions
* UI | Fixed issue where excessive file checks were being done when generating the torrent context menu
* Plug | UPnP plugin now correctly attempts to remove existing mappings if they are in the way of new mappings
* Core | Fix Re-adding a torrent causing "1-" or "-1" directories or files
* Core | Fixed bug where files were sometimes moved into a subdirectory, where the directory name was only one character long
* Plug | Fixed bug where some plugin menu items didn't appear under certain conditions


Download: Azureus3017-B17.jar (9.07 MB) DDL DDL1 - DDL2 - Mirror1 - Mirror2
FileShare Hosting Mirrors1 - Mirrors2 - Mirrors3
Last official Build 3016-B16 @Sourceforge
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