22 July 2007

Java Runtime Environment JRE 6 update 2 build 06 (JRE-6U2)

The Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) allows end-users to run Java applications.

Update Release Notes summarize changes made in all 1.6.0 update releases. Update releases are bug fix releases and as such are not intended to add or delete functionality from the original 1.6.0 release. Note that bug fixes in previous update versions are also included in the current update version.

The version numbers are given below, complete with build number. To determine the version of your JDK software, use the following command: java -version

Bug Database - In most cases, the bug ID number in each description below is a link in the detailed bug report on the Bug Database (Bug Parade) web site. Bug Database enables you to file your own bug reports, add comments to existing bug reports, and vote for the bugs you consider most important.

Current Version The full internal version number for this update release is 1.6.0_02-b06 (where "b" means "build"). The external version number is 6u2.
The last Version 6 update 2 for Windows was build 05. The new Build 06 has fixes for all users.

Installation Instructions | ReadMe | ReleaseNotes | Download | Download Site | List of Mirrors

Java 6 Update DDL-Mirrors (13,90 MB): jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe | jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe | jre-6u2-windows-i586-p.exe

rem: The first Update U1 was hosting provided by us in cooperation with Freenet to support direct links from December to February cause users was unable to navigate through the Sun Download Links on them sites. The Last Sun Java Beta is Java 7 (1.7) Build b16 from July 20, 2007


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